Just another blog by a PLP student

Category Maker and humanities

Effective or Ineffective?

There are over 225,000 court cases every year in British Columbia alone but I didn’t think I would be a judge in one at 14. Hi, I’m Zachary Veitch and this is my story.  Ok but in all seriousness, the… Continue Reading →

Do people affect nature?

The project that we just finished was about how people and nature affect each other. More specifically the driving question was “how do people and the environment affect each other?” and I think that they affect each other in a… Continue Reading →

Things have changed indeed (final project for quarter 3)

Watch this YouTube video What you just watched was the final product of my “The more things change” project. And if you were wondering, the driving question for that project was “What did European settlement mean for all the people… Continue Reading →

Argh matey Summative post

For this project the driving question was “What was the impact of global exploration?” And like most of the summative posts that I’ve done, there are multiple answers. One of the answers would be new trade routes. Did you know… Continue Reading →

How it started/ how it’s going summative post

I’m going to start off by saying that this was my most favourite project that I have ever done and I’m hopping that the next one is even better than the last. The driving question which is “what can we… Continue Reading →

The medium is the message reflection

The medium is the message reflection blog post For this reflection, I will be talking about the stepping stones and milestones I really liked doing (not in order). Now let’s get into it.  This project was all about learning advertising… Continue Reading →

Zach’s User Manual

This project called “My user manual” was all about how to creatively communicate who you and we did it in a couple different ways but all leading up to the final project which will be at the bottom. the first… Continue Reading →

Hello world!

Hey, this is Zachary Veitch’s blog, I know “oh just another PLP students blog” but this one will be different, pretty similar, but different because it is my blog and i will try to make it one of the best… Continue Reading →

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