Information, But Make It Fashion, Week 3

Guys I’m doing this because I gleefully despise not doing things to completion. So this is Week 2 is sponsored by Crocs. Well in my head it is. I’m really just taking the mickey outa these challenges because I am UNREGULATED!… why am I allowed to have a computer…

BackToTheFuture, BACK TO MY POINT, this week I’m supposed to do some image stuff. I don’t really know what that means so we turn to our Student Blogging Challenge bible and this week it tells us;

– SBC 20:19

Today I’m going to be working backwards because the top half I intend on combining. Also, the bottom one looks a little dull. So, let’s get into it I guess.

How to Use Creative Commons to Find Free Images” By: Beth Dun

My poem is called, “i forced myself to do this”, inspired by the properly cited image above.

“See the licensing of the dude,
I think he’s angry at the latitude.                                                      She’s not alone she brings a blog,
Not a sheep, and lots of grog.                                                    Creative Commons is a must,                                                               Do it, or your mind will rust.                                                               This poem is now at an end,                                                                   I thank you for reading,                                                                        My only friend.” – not a sheep 2019

Feel free to use that, its got Creative Commons.

This picture also prompts anger and visions of writing the same blog post on Creative Commons two years in a row.

Now for the fun part. Lets get Crocy my dudes.

First I’ll give you some information. For this segment of my post I am supposed to research something and share it with my viewers. So I chose the only thing I could think of. See if you can use context clues to figure it out.

I researched my topic with these sources, go check them out and correct me on anything I got wrong in the comments.,en_CA,sc.html

Next, I contacted someone who spends their whole day surrounded with Croc related questions all day, Lily P. From the online customer service, to get more information. Here’s how that went,

  • The beginning, enjoy this POV style slideshow.

Okay, with that all wrapped up, I would now like to present my creation to the university people deciding if I would fit well into their fine institution.

And with the shock and judgment of all those poor soles reading this, the end! I hope you enjoyed and come back soon! Comments would be appreciated. Please don’t leave me here with that in silence, I’m being held captive by it.

The end, send help, and cookies

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