OK YALL WELCOME BACK AND HOW DO YOU TURN CAPS LOck off oh I got it. This week we were instructed to create a post on whatever our heart desired. So, in that case, let’s begin another blog post, fuelled by 80s music and fondue.
My topic this week is something I’m sure to regret in a few years. By that, I mean my weekly vlogs. This year the PLP 9 class’s objective is to improve their video skills, and although I may not be there, that doesn’t mean that I don’t feel like working on a new skill. I have chosen to work on my video skills by making weekly vlogs and loosely doing some projects that were assigned for my classmates.
So far, this has proven moderately challenging. It’s hard to make time for something that is assigned by yourself. I have managed to put up around 10 vlogs as I’m writing this, and I’m already impressed with how far I have come. It’s really rewarding to cringe at something that you’ve made 10 weeks ago and think about how much better you would have done it now. While the part where you physically recoil into your spine isn’t particularly pleasing, it proves the same concept as this weekly bloging challenge.
The logistics of this high-tech operation are surprisingly effective at doing the job they were designed to do. I post on YouTube and edit on iMovie. I also use the photos app and PicsArt for my thumbnails. It’s really not that interesting but I’m sure future generations will want to know while my video masterpieces are being displayed in museums all across the world.
So the actual videos are right here and the playlist I have linked to updates with each new video.
So yeah! That’s my vlogs and a little bit about what I hope to accomplish. I hope you enjoyed and next week it’ll be back to my disrespectful and annoying self! The end. Cya later y’all. 😀
Very kind specific and helpful