Weekly reflection 1

Hello and thank you for joining me for the first weekly formative blog post! This week we will cover everything from bidets to identity, a switch in classes to North Vancouvers premier nudist colony. Strap in and get ready for this roller coaster of a blog post. 

First up, if you haven’t already, check out my page on what makes a formative learning portfolio post different to a summative one. Check it out here. This post is of the formative nature if you were confused.

Monday really didn’t involve much. It was a holiday, Thanksgiving to be precise. I did my best to keep my brain active, but I allowed myself some time to rest. This is a skill I’ve been working on for quite some time, so Monday helped indicate my progress. 

My last hybrid Humanities class was on Wednesday. It was indeed a bit chaotic. We were given essentially a work block and I found focus was rare and sporadic. I did enjoy the class though. Mainly because we were regaled with stories from the PLP years of past. For example, we found out that several people have sprayed themselves in the face with a bidet, that one of our humanities teachers spent a good chunk of last years PLP 12 trip to Asia worshiping toilet paper, and that Lynn Valley used to host a very prestigious nudist colony. I will miss this class, although probably not the lack of focus I find with it occasionally. 

Some days I have a singular class, which happens to be wood working. This used to be most of my days, and quite honestly, I didn’t mind it. It really doesn’t require that much of my brain capacity and recently I’ve been appreciating the somewhat mundane tasks we were assigned. It’s fun sometimes to completely zone out and just focus on the task at hand.

Thursday was the first day we swapped classes. Now I have Humanities every afternoon. My prediction for this is that it might be a little tiring. It’s a very engaging class and I love that I’m never bored, but I will have to keep in mind that I can’t be working at 100% every single class, as much as I’d like to. 

We continued to talk about Canada’s identity this week, going into our first lecture and note taking. My group did well, although we definitely could have used our time more efficiently by giving everyone a chance to speak. We got how politics are shaping Canadian identity and I think this was something I’d thought about before, but I appreciated the opportunity to do it in this capacity. 

Some of the biggest take aways for me this week include:

  1. I need to be aware of how hard I can work so that I don’t burn out. I think these weekly posts will give me a chance to keep myself accountable. 
  2. I should look to find more opportunities to make things with my hands, because it turns out, I really like doing that!
  3. I definitely have room for improvement on my formative posts. 

I hope you enjoyed this wild reflection, and I will see you next week!

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