Romeo and I

Hello and welcome! This weeks post should definitely keep me on my toes, as it’s about something I should know very well. Shakespeare and producing a play.

The biggest challenge I’ve had to face throughout some of this project is keeping in mind the historical perspective and context of the time. Although it was cut drastically during this period, I’ve been doing my best to keep it in mind when reading the adaptation we’ve created for our performance, but it is a difficult skill to curate.

The thing that I found the most helpful when developing this skill was a website called It helped me review what we had done in class previously, while also bringing up new things we hadn’t discussed yet!

This website is super informative and helpful for anyone thinking about historical perspective. I’ve found myself using it while reading some older books, like the Great Gatsby or A Picture Of Dorian Grey. It’s intriguing how it can influence your understanding of the characters and their motives.

Thank you for reading this weeks post and make sure to leave a comment if you enjoyed!

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