Back at it again, with the week six, student bloging challenge post, and still making it look easy. This week we were tasked with finding something we were curious about, and writing a blog post on it. My curiosity was spiked while I was watching the news after dinner, and I saw a  commercial for a paper towel company. I remembered an experiment I saw online and wanted to try. It’s called, “Walking water”. It  looked really interesting so I decided to give it a shot.

I decided to film my experiences. Here they are!

Comment below if you liked the Video!

Our next assignment was to make a two truths and a lie quiz. Mine looks like this, feel free to fill it out!


How many points out of 25 did you get? Comment down below!

I felt like a learned a lot about my experiment and even more about making a movie. I would definitely do this experiment again!

I hope you enjoyed my post, and check back next week for another post!

2 thoughts on “SCIENCE!

  1. Hi Zoe,

    thanks for your science post. Your movie was great. You really have a great interaction with the camera so it makes the viewer feel like you are talking to them. You chose an experiment that was easy to see also in the video. Keep on making the videos they are super,

    Cheers from

    Mrs A
    #STUBC commenter

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