Ry o dawg. Wow I’m so sorry. No more….. until next year! HAHA! This is the last week and it feels slightly bittersweet. I’m not a huge fan of writing, but I feel I have definitely improved. I enjoyed the challenges and proving to myself that I could do it. I am always up for a challenge. I am proud to say I completed all 10 weeks, writing a total of 10 posts, and only panicking twice. I received several comments and I am thrilled each time I get one.
My favourite post was the science one. Here it is if you feel like checking it out! SCIENCE! I made a video and uploaded it to YouTube. I’m fairly pleased with it but I think it could have used some more work on the post itself.
I used the blog to, what I think was, the best I could do. I linked loads of pages and proudly added HTML code in the form of YouTube videos imbedded in the post, as well as creating a fairly epic flappy fish game. ( Here! )
This isn’t the last you’ll see of this blog. I will be continuing to post, just not as regularly. I will be back next year with more repetitive idiotic introductions and way more terrible humour that only I, and my fish Lurch, think is funny. Isn’t that right Lurch? *bubble*
I hope you will continue to read this blog and I would like to thank you for reading my posts. I know it seems cheesy, but I really do appreciate it. Make sure to leave a link to your blog or account down below in the comments section and I’ll be responding!
Once again,