
Welcome back to my blog! Today’s post is on our first project of the 2020-2021 school year. This project explores identity and takes a deep dive into podcasting. Let’s get into it!

Our project was introduced to us through a crash course in media history. Who better to give us one, than Mr. Crash Course himself, Hank green. Here’s our introductory video,

While watching this, we were instructed to take notes. After the video came to its conclusion, we reviewed our notes and talked about note talking in general. This would turn out to be foreshadowing. As we moved throughout the project, note taking became somewhat central to our understanding of the driving question, How might I create a trailer for my podcast which informs, inspires, and entertains?

The first milestone we completed was an oral story recorded in voice memos. I’m honestly not happy with how mine turned out. It felt rushed, incoherent, and overall confusing. I need to make sure I remember this for my podcast because I know I can create something better than this.

Next, we created a blog post with an image that represents us incorporated into it. Check out the OG post here if your looking for deeper insight, but I was satisfied with this post. I like my image and all the different aspects I added to it, but the post felt a bit bland. A computer could have written this post, that’s how analytical it was. I’ve made it a personal goal to improve my writing and work on putting my own voice into my posts. The blog post really helped me get a sense of where I’m at now, and where I want to be.

One thing you need to have in order to have a successful podcast, is a plan. My original plan was objectively bad. The first draft is never great, but mine looked like I didn’t even try. That’s probably because I didn’t, really. Eventually I got my head out of the ground and made a second draft. The comparison is down below. See if you can spot any differences.









Peer critique can make or break a project. Good thing we did two rounds! My first go round was with Grace, check out her post here. We did our best to help each other with our overall plans, but ended up focusing on simplifying our target audiences. I found this first critique session really helpful in showing me where my plan needed to be.

The next crit. sesh. was with Anders. Take a peek at his post here! This peer critique was focused on our actual podcast trailer, instead of the podcast plan. I was blown away by Anders’ trailer and it made me want to push my trailer further and make it better. He gave me some helpful feedback regarding the technical side of my trailer and I think I helped him out with the flow of his.

So now, my podcast trailer… I’m happy with how it turned out but I know that I could have done better. My script was ok, but not outstanding. Next time I will get more feedback on my script before recording so that I can be completely satisfied with the final product.

Here’s the trailer!

Overall, I really enjoyed this project and although I know there’s things I could improve, I’m moving forward into our next project eager to make that list of improvements as minimal as possible.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you soon!

The end

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