Star Wars Episode Too Many…
Wednesday January 13th 2016, 4:08 pm
Filed under: More

Throughout my life Star Wars has influenced me in many ways, making me happy, sad and inspiring me to spend so much money and time on their Lego sets. But until now I have never felt pressure or nervousness whenever Star Wars was mentioned. Why? Two very small words that carry a very big meaning. Blue. Sky. No wait three. Project, blue sky project. We were told to research or build something that interested us, but it had to involve Star Wars. My thought went to my friends the Ewoks. I thought about building something maybe from the Endor landscape.

After watching the sixth movie I saw the swinging log trap.


Then I was sent a planning sheet and filled it out accordingly.


Then I started my building. I started with eight posts arranged in two square arrangements on either side of my plywood. Then I discovered that if I tried to tie the ropes that attached to the logs they would slip down, so I improved it by adding supports on the top and bottom.





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