Adam In the News
Tuesday March 08th 2016, 4:39 am
Filed under: More

So recently I was featured in the North Shore News. I was chosen by my new friends at the Foundation for Integrated Health, the clinic where I went when I had my concussion. They are amazing there and I would recommend them to anyone who has a concussion, or knows someone who does. They don’t just tell you what to do, they work with you to help the recovery get shorter, and make your time with the concussion less miserable. I for one during the hockey season, have quite a large knot of muscle just above my shoulder from hockey, and they fixed that it made me feel move, and recover better.


This is a picture from the paper about me. What I am doing is part of what they call a baseline test, they test things like you balance, reaction speed, grip, memory and more. Then they give you at tag, which be scanned and then tell you where the nearest certified concussion clinic is, so you can be tested against your old results. Cool right. Anyway that’s the story of how I got in the paper.

My article (I’m at the bottom)

The Foundation

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