The Magic School Bus
Sunday May 08th 2016, 12:20 am
Filed under: More

How is the worldview of different religions represented in the real world? That is the question that we intend to answer on this 3-day extravaganza of a field trip.

We started at the Hindu temple. Once we got upstairs we saw something quite amazing.

image image

The he sign on the left is Aum. Hindus consider Aum to be the universal name of the Lord and that it encompasses all of creation. The photo on the left is the beautiful room that we were given a long, interesting talk on Hinduism, their beliefs, gods, and praying.

Next we went to the Tebetan Budhist temple.


Anyway, this is what they were all looking at.

image Really something to look at. If you look closely their are small symbols of items of the Buddhist religion. But what was even better was the inside. And I could only capture it with a video.


Now for my favorite one. At this point my phone died so I did not take any photos, I am trying to source them out though. This was the most immersive experience. I learned how to give an offering and meditate. Also when we walked around the temple, we changed. Something that I did enjoy.

Next we went to the Sikh temple. I did not take any photos, but we were served a delicious lunch, and we were given a long, detailed, and interesting talk. I learned that continually people are reading the Guru Granth Sahib. Which is a crazy thought. And oh yeah it’s not reading, it’s chanting. 24/7 7 days a week projected throughout the temple.




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