Xinhai Squad
Thursday October 27th 2016, 2:49 am
Filed under: More

If you have been reading my last few posts on my lame excuse for a blog, you will know that we are currently experiencing a true whirlwind of a project. If you haven’t read my last posts, read the next paragraph.

In this unit, we are working on scale diagrams in math, circuits in science, and metaphors and revolutions in PLP. All of these topics combined to make the legend Metaphor Machine unit. Each group was given a revolution. My group of  Quinn, Mimi Ethan and I were given the The Xinhai Revolution. In our Machine we were supposed to make a Rube Golberg machine that using metaphors told the story of our revolution following Crane Brinton’s theory. They also had to be the Steampunk aesthetic.

Anyway, at this point we are about halfway done the physical building of the project. Before we built we had to make a timeline. It looked like this;


It took a few days and one frantic lunch hour to make, and comes with a cut bibliography at the bottom courtesy of me.

Then came the building, so far the hardest thing has been making a working track that a marble can roll along without falling off. We started with an idea to cut rubber clear tube in half like Ethan is doing here…

And then after that failed miserably, we made a new system.

So far the hardest thing has been having to engineer on the fly, plans constantly go wrong, and you have to alter them almost every day! But it has been fun, and I’m excited to see where it goes.

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