Kinda Super Hero
Monday November 28th 2016, 5:36 pm
Filed under: More

How has my chemistry super hero project going so far? No comment… But I will write a blog post.

So for my group of KateReidSofia and obviously me, we creatively named our selves K.A.S.R (Kate.Adam.Sofia.Reid) smart right? So anyway, our fist assignment was to make a flag with our name, a flag that we had to create and our element. (Hydrogen is not colored because we didn’t know if the was our final decision)img_0555

Then we made a giant periodic table (even though we had so many in the room)


For both of the assignments my group has functioned very well together, we combine skills and interests together so that we can do work. Right now we are also starting to build an atom of our element so that will be added to this post soon.

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