Blue Sky, Last Time
Thursday June 21st 2018, 5:58 pm
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Every winter and spring for my last 3 years in PLP we always do an exhibition. This can mean a lot of things, this past December we interviews the public, a couple years ago the now grade 12s made a play/interactive experience about WWI. No matter what though, at least once a year we do […]

Science and Space
Thursday June 14th 2018, 7:31 pm
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Science has its ups and downs, to everyone. Some people like things like biology, some people hate it. It isn’t all completely subjective. For me though, I for one love space. I really like the idea of space, how small we are compared others everything, so we did a project on that. Kyle and I […]

The Great Debate, LOTF, and Politics
Thursday June 14th 2018, 5:48 pm
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This unit was a long, difficult, multi layered unit. There were three main topics that all combined to make one big project. Those three topics were learning about the structure of and how to debate, reading the book Lord of the Flies and we learned about the worlds political systems, with a heavier focus on […]

TPOL 2k18
Thursday June 14th 2018, 3:54 am
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So, here we go again. It’s that time of year where I stand in front of my teachers and parents and try and make a bridge between the teachers, me and the parents. And this is the one where I tell you why I should be in the program based on what I have done […]

My Job Shadow
Friday June 08th 2018, 7:16 pm
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Every grade 10 has to do a job shadow. If they are in PLP or not. Most people will take what is easy though, people their parents know, maybe a close family friend who has a job that they find kind of interesting. I didn’t do that. I got in contact with my boss/training partner/family […]

Buying Exotic Animals
Tuesday May 29th 2018, 4:02 pm
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This project started as a normal project. We had to pick three different cell phone plans, what you had to pay for how much data and what the overage costs were. But, Kyle and I decided to do it differently. We wondered, what would it cost to buy and maintain three different exotic animals? So, […]

Tech Conference 2018
Tuesday May 22nd 2018, 11:58 pm
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Every year we go on a couple big field trips, this year it was our California field school, in grade 9 it was our Florida trip, and more. On the side though, we do a lot of smaller day trips around Vancouver. Earlier in the year we went to the Museum of Vancouver, and now […]

My World War Two Adventure
Friday May 18th 2018, 12:54 am
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In history class we are following a timeline. Last year we did a lot about Canada during the 19th and 18ty centuries, and earlier this year we did a huge unit on WWI, you can read about that below. So, if we follow the timeline of important events in our history, the next one would be […]

Energy Capture Project
Monday May 14th 2018, 7:07 pm
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We have just finished a math unit and a science unit that are very connected. Energy and graphing, we used the graphing to measure the energy that we created over time, and how that power can be used. The project was to make a generator that harnessed natural energy to light up an LED light. […]

Book Review
Thursday April 26th 2018, 3:01 am
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To enhance our WWII unit, and to learn more about the many perspectives we chose one of three books to read. Our three choices were Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand,  Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein, and All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. I had heard from my mother that All the Light We Cannot See was good, […]

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