Transitional Presentation of Learning
Thursday June 22nd 2017, 4:40 am
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Normally around his time of year we do an SLC, a student lead conference, where we are given a script and way to present that we follow by using our work as examples of something we are proud of, something that shows a growth mindset and one that’s an example of learning. This year is […]

Canadian History
Wednesday June 21st 2017, 4:19 pm
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The point of this blog post is to explain what I think is the greatest moment in Canadian history. I think that is a really hard question to answer, because Canada is an amazing country withe so many great moments. But I will try anyway. So these past couple of months we have learned about […]

What I Carry
Tuesday June 13th 2017, 3:21 am
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In PLP we are currently doing a Health And Career unit, and this is a mini-project in the form of a keynote presentation. This presentation is about what we ‘carry,’ this could be physical, mental or emotional. We were then to create a keynote and showcase what we carry and also our technology skills. I […]

Predicting My Future
Thursday June 01st 2017, 1:58 pm
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The next episode in what so far has proved to be a whirlwind of health and career, is all about our futures as students, people and contributors to society. In this mini-project we were told to make a short iMovie that played out our plans for the future and what in our pass influenced those […]

Fankenstuffie Project
Tuesday May 30th 2017, 8:55 pm
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This project was easily the biggest one that I can remember every doing. I’ll start with the main project, this isn’t a new one, my brother even did it when he was in grade 9. The frankenstuffies. This whole units final project is to make a video, where the star is your own crea

I Am What I Eat
Tuesday May 30th 2017, 12:41 am
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OThis assignment is a two part assignment. One part was making a poster of ‘yourself’ that is made out of food that you eat often and enjoy. The first draft I didn’t spend enough time on: Them I spent some time making hair out of pasta and added a mouth so I looked more like […]

Florida. Again.
Monday May 29th 2017, 12:08 am
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So, I’m back with another post about Florida, but this time it’s a bit different. This post is about the video we made, not the trip. The whole part of the project is to answer the question ‘What Draws us To Imaginary Worlds?’ We used our experience and the knowledge abt Disney’s Imagineers: a group […]

Destination Imagination Provincials 2
Tuesday April 18th 2017, 12:45 am
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After the regional tournament for DI (You can read about that below)   We had some improvements to make. To start our structures hadn’t worked, and had been taken away by the people, that was the rules. Our first structures were overweight to begin with and on top of that after we modified them to […]

My Role Models
Friday March 31st 2017, 12:46 am
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This mini-assignment combines our writing and paragraph structure skills we have learned this year, and photo editing skills from grade 8. We all wrote paragraphs for and made an image about 5 of our role models here are mine Chancelor (Chance the Rapper) Bennet Chancellor Bennet was born on April 16, 1993 and at the age of […]

Canada Through My Eyes
Tuesday March 28th 2017, 1:45 am
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This assignment is a little different than most PLP assignments. This one is a contest put on by the government called Here’s My Canada, a contest put on by the Government of Canada to celebrate 150 years of Canada. There are prizes involved and the contest goes on for another 150ish days. For my idea of ‘What Canada […]

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