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Marketing Me!

“Oh, won’t you sign up your name? We’d like to feel you’re acceptable

Respectable, oh, presentable, a vegetable”-The Logical Song, Supertramp

The Goal

The goal of our most recent PGP project was to answer the question “How might I present my passions, strengths, and learning to the world?” To help us figure this out, we made multiple pieces of media like a business card, resume, and booth which we would be presenting at the Winter Exhibition.

Above is my business card and resume. I was a bit confused about the instructions for the resume, but in the end, I feel that I made a well crafted resume. 

My Booth

I divided my booth into 3 sections: music, photography, and influential media. Let’s go over what I put in the sections.

Music: in my music section I put my saxophone and guitars. I love to play music, and I thought that this would be a good way to show that.

Photography: I create greeting cards out of the photos I take, and I thought that would showcase some of my work. I also brought the camera and lens I use for most of my wildlife photography.

Influential Media: the final section is of media that I think has made me into the person I am today. I included music such as: “In the Court of the Crimson King” (King Crimson), “So” (Peter Gabriel), “The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway” (Genesis), “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” and “Revolver” (The Beatles), “Imagine” (John Lennon), “Animals”, “Wish You Were Here”, “The Dark Side of the Moon”, “Not Now John”, and “The Wall” (Pink Floyd), as well as books like: “The Stand” (Stephen King), “Night” (Elie Wiesel), “1984” and “Animal Farm” (George Orwell). I figured that these pieces of media would give people an insight into the media I consume and, in turn, get a better sense of who I am.

The End

Through the experience of this project I was able to share my passions with the world in small 1:1 conversations with strangers. During the exhibition, I gained confidence while talking to people and was able to explain my booth design and details more clearly. My photography and media sections were great conversation starters and topics, which really helped me to communicate more effectively. Overall, I think that this was a successful project for me: I was able to communicate my passions with complete strangers, who seemed genuinely interested and supportive 

Published inExhibitionsPGP

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