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Category: Science

You Matter (Unless Your Mass Is Multiplied By The Speed of Light Squared; Then You Energy)

This was our second project in science, and it was all about matter! For our final project, we made a functional video game on Scratch. But before we look at that, let’s look at all the keystones that we had to do! Keystone 1 For the first keystone, we learned about the physical and chemical properties of matter. We used a lot of math, which was unfortunate. The main assignment for this keystone was a…

Continue reading You Matter (Unless Your Mass Is Multiplied By The Speed of Light Squared; Then You Energy)

The Smaller the Mightier! 🦠

This is our very first project in Science! I bet you can’t guess what it’s about by the title of this blog post. You can?  You think it’s about pathogens? Well, you’d be right. Our first keystone main project was an agar Petri dish. We swabbed some things around the school and then swabbed the Petri dish. Agar is a type of nutrient rich algae, which allows massive colonies of bacteria to grow on it.…

Continue reading The Smaller the Mightier! 🦠

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