For science I had to create a video about lab safety. Before you watch the video I though I could just talk about what my group and I did to make it and what we learned from this video.
To make this video, we had to plan ahead and make sure that we had the equipment to create a safety video. Me and my group also needed to write script and create roles.
While creating a video, I also learned important things that will help in the future. I learned all the lab safety, like don’t eat in the lab or you may die, don’t light fires in the lab or you may die, don’t leave the gas nozzle on open or you may die. Ya ya. But I also learned things like, how to properly prepare your self for a group project and how to time manage properly. Our video has added humour and I got to learn about humour and how much is to much! Anyway I hope you enjoy our video, and learn what to do and what not to do in the lab!
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