Atomic Habits

Recently PGP 11 has been working on a project to exemplify our understanding of the Atomic Habits book, written by James Clear. The guidelines of the project are as follows, (also in the photo below).

You had to pick something to think about such as a certain habit, a summary of all the habits or even some research into the graphic that interested you. After you chose a think item you had to pick a way to show your understanding, the two chooses offered were to make a video and the other was to create a tool to help you understand and use the think time that you choose. There was a third option that was “your choice” as well. Now once you’ve created an item you have publish it to your learning portfolio and explain it, and I choose the option to include how I am going to move forward with Atomic Habits.

This graphic will really help explain what the process was to choose a project that exemplified my work with Atomic Habits. For anyone who doesn’t know what I mean when I am talking about Atomic Habits, I wrote a separate blog post about it that I will link here! And if you would like a brief understanding of Atomic Habits then your in the right place as I was just about to depart on one. 

Atomic Habits was given to my class around November/December 2019, and we had to read it before school came back in January after Christmas break. As time went by I started to realize that my time was running out to read a book that would create so much time for me, the irony was too evident. I had poked and prodded at the book in December but I hadn’t made any real progress, during winter break though I really sat down and started to read. And I personally think that you have to consume all of this book in a small amount of time, unlike other books where you can leave it on the shelf, and read as you please. So I followed my own idea about how to read the book, and I read it all in like 6 days. After I finished I was like “ok, now I’m done. I can go read something else.” As in, I had no emotions towards the book, I just considered it another school book. Now it stayed that way for quite some time, really just until I picked it up for this project did I realize what information I had actually been using this whole time. To prove this point, the week before this project I had been telling my brother about the Valley Of Disappointment, he was talking about his cooking I think, and I had been telling about how I can make waffles (the only thing I can make) without a recipe, and he said that he wasn’t any good at cooking. So a little light came on in my head and I remembered this graph about where you wish you could be and where you are, so I told him about it, and since he’s a 14 kid, I don’t think it actually sank in, but it helped him to realize that just because he couldn’t make waffles like moi (the master) didn’t mean he couldn’t make them, and that one day he would be able to make them without a recipe as well. 

More then just the valley of disappointment stayed with me, (like how your environment impacts your habits, that’s really cool) but for the project I decided to focus on the first chapter of Atomic Habits. In this chapter James Clear goes over a few things like the 1% better every day graph (still don’t understand that), he also talks about a few points that are probably some of the most important in the book. The argument I have prepared for this point is that without these points the rest of the book doesn’t stick. “The fundamentals” is what the chapter is called. In this chapter James Clear discusses 4 problems that he has found with goals and habits in general. For my story I chose to exemplify all of these points. (These points are really hidden, but they’re there.) His problems are as follows: 

  • “Problem #1: Winners and losers have the same goals.”
  • “Problem #2: Achieving a goal is only momentary change.”
  • “Problem #3: Goals restrict your happiness.”
  • “Problem #4: Goals are at odds with long-time progress.”

Excerpt From Atomic Habits

Here’s my final project

I choose to show these problems through the lens of 2 young girls. The main character (who if you’ve noticed remains nameless) is a want to be pro swimmer. She joins a swim team without the proper swim tests and when she gets there she realizes that this swim team isn’t like the other ones that’s she’s been on, and she realizes that she isn’t going to become a pro swimmer because she isn’t as good as the other girls. So the main character leaves, and back at school her and her friend, Breonna (who is on the swim team) discuss what the main character is feeling, and that’s how atomic habits gets brought up. I found the connection that the girls made between atomic habits to the swim team to make the connection clearer to me. In the sense that the girls didn’t need the biggest goals ever to use the book to their advantage. They just needed to strive for something. 

One last point before I’m done here, is that the main character doesn’t have a name because I connect to her so much that I would read it as me. And I think that if you read it as you, then it’s you. I found that writing through the lens of others helped me to understand myself, what my goals actually are and what these problems that James Clear created actually mean. So without further a due, please read the short story, and tell me what you think. 

Thanks for reading 


The Ivy Lee Method

When we (PLP 11) were assigned this project, Ms. Maxwell made an example fo showing us the Ivy Lee method. She had a tab specifically for it and shared that if she were to pick a habit off of James Clears website it would be the Ivy Lee method. At that point I didnt really know what the Ivy Lee method was, sounded cool, but I thought I would personally look through all the posts and find something fitting for me. So that’s exactly what I did. I spent a good chunk of time getting lost in links from page to page, and then realizing I was lost and hoping the back button would bring me around to an all too familiar home page. In all this searching though I only found one post that caught my attention, and I felt it was a shame that it was the exact same one that Ms. Maxwell had used as an example earlier that day. I just couldn’t find any other habit that would benefit me as much, as well as be an easy integration into my life. In this long and rambling paragraph it is my way of saying that I chose the Ivy Lee method. And I think I was quite right to choose it. 

My understanding of the Ivy Lee Method is that you start with 6 tasks. They can be any 6 tasks, or chores or errands, just anything you need to do. At the end of the day you check back on your 6 tasks and if you completed all of them, good going, you get to make 6 more tasks for the next day, if you didn’t complete all of them (alike me) you carry any uncompleted task over to the next day and incorporate it into your 6 tasks. Seems simple (and it is) but it’s also revolutionary. I have found in the roughly 2 weeks that I have been doing this that I have become much more productive, because I don’t want tasks to drag over onto new days. I like to keep the list fresh which pushes me to complete the assigned work! It’s really great and I don’t have anything negative to say about the Method.

I have included scans of my lists in this post and you can see that they are simple lists made on sticky grid paper. You might also be able to see that I have exceeded 6 tasks on certain days which I have a good reason for. This reason is that during COVID I have a hard time feeling excited to focus and get to work, so I decided to add really simple tasks to my lists, like send text to so-and-so, water plants, etc. Crossing off these tasks gave me a bit more energy to complete the trickier tasks. Though once COVID is over, I will return to the 6 tasks per day!

All in all a really good habit, and I highly suggest everyone incorporate it into their life!


Habits often don’t show improvement or success for a while, but the moment they do, they show it in a very exaggerated way. This is one thing that really stuck with me after reading atomic habits, because a lot of the time when we dont see improvement immediately, humans as a species, will give up. Its really hard for us to continue to work for something when we can’t see the benefits of why were doing it. James Clear refers to the gym reference quite a bit throughout his book, becuase it fits in perfectly. How often have you wanted to workout, headed to the gym once, and not seen any improvement, then agreed that the gym wasn’t for you. That’s the perfect example of this mindset that if you dont look like a CrossFit champ after one deadlift, then your incapable of ever looking that way, this giving up mindset. I found this whole point extremely interesting and think about this quite a bit. This irrational fear of failure makes it impossible to be good at everything, and be successful, but I have to say that this book has taught me how to move around this fear, and in this blog post I will explain the most important pieces of this book.

The First Law: Make It Obvious 


Have you ever walked into a dark room and wondered how to make it light? Probably not, because we have been exposed to electric lighting our whole lives, and a light switch lingers in the darkness somewhere, in every room. James Clear used this example to expose how habits become natural when we make them obvious. This Cue, or The First Law: Make It Obvious, sets up the rest of the habit ladder. Once it is obvious, you begin to crave the outcome, which is the second law, Craving. The third law encapsulates responding to this craving, Response. And lastly after one has responded to the craving, you are left with the 4th and final law, Make It Satisfying, or Reward. After I turn the lights on, I can see. I am left satisfied, and I will continue to do that in the future because I know that I prefer the light better then the dark. So that is how 1 scenario can show all the laws of a habit, and yet you do it so unthinkingly. 

Now to create habits its much harder to make the cue a bait you would want to attack. Because you implementing this whole new system into your life. Say if you want to drink a glass of water every morning, implementing this habit is quite the hassle, but James Clear has thought about this. 


An implementation intention is very effective in creating habits that are easier to reach. It helps to jumpstart your new habit and get it one its way to becoming an action that requires no thinking. This is an implementation intention.


Seems simple doesn’t it. Bring this back to the working out example above, this makes it impossible to go just once, because its a recurring thing. Ex, I will WORKOUT at 5:30 ON MONDAY’S in PARK GATE GYM. 

This makes it very simple to keep up with my habit. I don’t have to be constantly thinking about when I will workout next, becuase I know on Monday’s I will head to the gym. 

Say I’ve become the average gym woman now, and I religiously attend the gym, never skip a rep, and am starting to see results, and I stick with it, but I begin to realize that showering the morning after the gym isn’t really working for me, my hair is all wet at work and I never get the proper sleep needed after attending the gym, so I decide to shower after the gym. This is called HABIT STACKING.  


So for my showering conundrum I can implement habit stacking and create a stack that looks like this. Ex, After I WORKOUT I will SHOWER. So simple but it saves you so much. All of these tips and tricks are only going to make the cue harder to resist, but what do you do after you’ve caught the bait?

Here is my habit stacker and implementation intention!

The Second Law: Make It Attractive


After you workout, or run, or dance the night away, you always feel like a super charged human being. Instead of feeling gross, and wiped, you feel like you could build a new planet in mars. You feel better then before you went out and did that form of exercise. But what is it that makes it that way? Dopamine. Surprisingly not a drug, but a natural (if your not prompting it by an outside drug) hormone release, that makes you feel great. Have you ever laughed so hard you’ve cried? Dopamine release. Sang your favourite song at full volume with your buddies? Dopamine release. Though I’ve painted this dopamine release as something that can only happen when your locked up with your friend listening to your favourite song and laughing, it actually happens many more times then you think. According to James Clear, every time we consider the craving for a habit, we experience a dopamine spike. Which is funny to think about, since you’d think that the reward would produce our spike, but bring this information back to the turning on the light habit. Have you ever felt charged after turning on the light? Not counting of you got electrocuted by them. Not really, but you were charged to turn on the lights, weren’t you? So you released your dopamine then, thinking about the lights on, not when they actually were on. So when you begin a new habit the craving has to be strong to be able to complete the rest of it, because once you envision the turnout your hooked.  

Another thing to consider when thinking about beefing up your craving is temptation bundling. Which is just bundling something you need to do with something you want to do. 


I do this one quite a bit without realizing. For example writing this blog post is a habit that I needed to do, but I really wanted to go up the mountain today, so I told myself that after I completed this blog post I could go up the mountain. This turns the second habit, or the habit that is wanted into a form of a reward. So when I complete this blog post, catch me on the mountain, because I told myself I would be able to go when I finished the work. This habit is very effective if you have a lot going on, or a lot of work piling up. If you can make the work the guideway to something enjoyable, the work itself almost becomes enjoyable. You have to have a bit of self control to be able to accomplish this task though, because as easy as James Clear makes it sound, you have to be able to put something that is unenjoyable in front of something that is enjoyable, even though your the only person that is doing it. You have to hold yourself to it. But once you’ve got that under control then you can continue using the habit needed as a gateway to the habit wanted. 

Another way to bundle habits is by bundling temptation bundling and, intention bundling, together. I call it the ultimate bundle, but it actually isn’t that crazy. 


This just makes functionality so much easier. You don’t feel the need to become distracted either, because you would be distracting yourself from the habit that you want to do. 

Another way to make the craving easier to let into, is by surrounding yourself with people that project the qualities you want. We often rise or fall to the people in our surroundings. So if you fill your life with people that have habits that you want, you’ll have an easier time finding those same habits in yourself. 

Now we have this craving, but we need to make it into a habit.

The Third Law: Make It Easy


Humans are super lazy, its one of our major downfalls as a species. Take this climate emergency we have entered. We could find solutions to this problem, if we were willing to trash everything we’ve established so far, but here we remain in this climate emergency, because of our incapability of being solution based as a species. Now this applies to everything, including our habits. If our habit is established in an environment where its not supported it wont be very easy to sustain, and so will most likely collapse before breaking through the plateau of latent potential.

If you make your environment reflect your habit on the other hand, you will be much more likely to break through the plateau. Ex, returning to our example above about working out. If you wanted to workout in your room every morning, laying out your mat and some water with your clothes that are required for the habit would make the habit easier to complete. 

Another way to make new habits stick better is to stick to the new habit rule. The 2 minute rule. This rule, according to James Clear, states that when you begin a new habit it must take only 2 minutes. I have a hard time with this one. If your only supposed to spend 2 minutes on it then it should be a smaller habit, but for larger habits that take a bit more time to cary out, I would stick to 1 hour, or 30 minute increments. I understand that 2 minutes would work for meditation, yoga, reading, writing, etc. But say you want to snowboard or wakeboard.I would feel turned off but spending so much time getting ready, and only spending 10mins on the mountain. So remember that some of these laws may not work for you, but all you have to do is tweak them a bit!

The 3rd law is Making Your Habit Easy, but this works the opposite for habits you want to get rid of. If you prime the environment against the habit that you don’t want, you’ll have an easier way of quitting that habit. Say you want to quit using screens around bed time. If you move your charger away from your bed you have to make the choice between your screen or a charged phone for the next day, which primes your environment against the bad habit. 

To continue on a habit you must have a reward, so that brings us to our 4th and final law. 

The Fourth Law: Make It Satisfying


As I was mentioning above about the temptation bundling, we were more likely to finish work when a habit we wanted to do followed the work. This is that same with this 4th law. To complete a habit you need to have something waiting at the end, and it has to be something good. When your completing habits and you are sticking to a schedule, always stick with it, and never miss twice. According to James Clear, missing twice s distils a feeling of carelessness about the habit, and makes it feel very unimportant, and easy to skip again. So sticking to a schedule makes it simple to be rewarded on a continual basis. Sometimes we have a hard time sticking to our word or our schedule, and informing someone of our endeavours into a new habit can always help. Last year I created a magazine about goals, one of the questions I asked every person was “Do you think that if you told people your goals it would be easier to stick to them?” And every single person said yes it would, but they still wouldn’t, because their to scared to fail in someone else’s eyes, and every single person I spoke to said the same thing. This same goal transfers to habits. Telling your new habit someone you trust and will be able to hold you to it is ideal. This way you don’t feel as if its only you doing this all by yourself, so less self control is needed. 


I am very interested in goals, and what makes a good goal, what drives people to make goals, and how they complete their goals. I really only realized that I enjoyed hearing about goals after I interviewed my first person for my magazine. I interviewed Isabelle Humenny right off the bat. I had a vision of how the magazine would look and I had a idea of how I wanted the photos to turn out, but when it came to the interview I really did not think about it thoroughly. I had a bunch of questions laid out and had thought all about the books I had read, and the habits that I needed to revisit, but I hadn’t realized how much I would learn about goals and the people I interviewed through it. I was amazed at what people had to say about something that is so often overlooked. 

This whole project is about learning something that you wish you knew at the beginning of the year but only know now. I feel like I have learned a whole bunch throughout the corse of this project, from learning to read people better to understanding the meaning behind a goal. I wished that at the beginning of the year I was capable to understand and communicate goals with myself and others. Throughout this years PGP course I was able to realize just how big of a role goals play.

A lot of the time we set goals subconsciously, we only realize that we achieved them after they are done. Or we believe that our goals are not good enough, or deserving enough to be called goals. Throughout my project my interviewees bring me back to that exact point. They showed me their fears of goals, and how they privately over come them, because most the time it’s just the person fighting for their goal themselves.

About half way through my magazine there is a 2 page break where I discuss setting your own goals. I really wanted to incorporate this into my magazine, because goals are deserving of a bit more light. The amount goals are talked about makes them seem like the should be qualified as shady business, or secret information. In this 2 page break I have certain things you should consider before permanently setting a goal. Things like considering if it is a SMART goal, or considering how it will help you in the future, even thinking about why this goal is meaningful to you. The main reason I wanted this in my magazine is because you only ever hear about goals that are absurd, or very very far fetched. Goals of corse should push you, but they should also push you in a direction you are willing to go, and want to follow. I want people to realize that when someone asks you about your goals, you don’t have to respond with “big ones or little ones.” Respond with the one that makes you the proudest, your favourite goal, whatever that may be. 

As I mentioned above goal setting can be hard, and I really didn’t realize just how much it relies on other things mentioned in the PGP course. Things like time management is huge when setting goals. To set your goal you must set aside an amount of time to complete your steps. That’s a very simple example, but it is also important to celebrate after a goal, to make sure that you are reminded of how nice it feels to complete a goal. An example is that when I run, i always treat myself to going to room 6 afterwards. I may not buy something but it feels nice to see people I know and have a nice conversation. 

Goal setting really ties into all of the 7 habits! 

I found something I really enjoyed through this project, I could not stop myself from working on this project. I could not stop myself from tweaking things, and trying a whole bunch of different styles and layouts to find the best one. I poured my heart into the articles and worked hard to transcribe long interviews until late at night. Time flew when I was working on this, and I can’t say that about a lot of projects. 

Here is my magazine, if there is any comments or feedback, please leave a comment, I would really love to hear what you have to say