Bringing a family together is no simple feat. When a family lives far away you might not get to see them often, and this can be the case for many people. For one special day a year to bring everyone together, is revolutionary. To be able to see the people that mean so much to you, is very important. Christmas fulfils this outline, but it contains so much more than just the stereotype “Christmas,” let me tell you about Christmas with the Brittons.
My Christmas Traditions
Any celebration, or festivity will be celebrated differently by each person. I know for my family we are a very consecutive family. Our Christmas is pretty much planned out to the day, not consciously though. We will put our lights up on the last weekend in November. This weekend is an ever changing date, but it is set, and every year we put our lights up then. The next weekend is reserved for the buying of the Christmas tree.
The putting up of the tree is a celebration in its own. My family feels very strongly about ornaments and the lights looking nice and the experience of putting up the tree being one to remember. (I can not tell you how many times the tree has tipped while we were putting on the ornaments!) While everyone is putting the ornaments up, I always come out with some shortbread and egg nog. I feel this is a tradition for me, maybe not the rest of my family, because I really enjoy sharing home baking with others and my favourite Christmas drink (chosen over the candy cane hot chocolate at Tim Hortons) is egg nog.
While the traditions can be set in stone, I feel that my family has new traditions every year, and we are constantly getting rid of old ones. A tradition that we created rather recently is my brother and I are allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve. I feel pretty strongly about this new tradition because who can wait the painful 12 hours till the next day to open all of their gifts, and I feel it kind of rounds the edges of Christmas. My family also will have a advent calendar and Christmas lists, so its a pretty basic list of traditions, but who you spend the festivity with and your outlook on it changes everything. Thats why Christmas is so important to me. It wraps my family up in a warm little cocoon, and rewards us for being good people. I am so fortunate to be able to live with a family who is loving, and to live in a warm home. I could truly not ask for more than that.