Hellooooo! It’s that time of the year again! It’s tPOL time! Let’s kick off and start the game!
Mr./Ms. (teacher’s name), this is my mum Jen Hetherington.
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
Driving question: how can you showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP success behaviours have prepared you to advance to the next grade?
My success behaviours!
What are success behaviours? Success behaviours are basically a guide to how we should act, in order to be a successful proficient PLP learner.
Here’s a chart I completed to see where I am with my success behaviours:
Success Behaviours Self-Assessment
In the agency category, I chose “Seeking help” because that’s not something I usually do. Sometimes, if I don’t understand a topic, a project, or even just what was taught in the class on that day. I just decide that I can figure it out myself, and that I don’t need help. That’s usually not the greatest plan. It sometimes works, but sometimes doesn’t. I’m a little bit more confident now, and I do keep in mind that most questions are asked for a reason, but I still need to remember that there’s usually, within reason, no such thing as thing as a dumb question.
Another success behaviour I chose, I think is one of my biggest strengths! Which is “enthusiasm” in the engagement category! One of my friends said “your very positive, especially in a group.” Sometimes I can get super excited about a project, and my friends are like “Ailie how are you so excited about this, its work!” I try to be as positive as I can, as much as I can, and my positivity helps me be enthusiastic!
The last success behaviour I chose was “outside of school” in the preparation category. This is something I should work on, I just need to be able to manage my work better. Sometimes I’m working on a project and I know it’s due that night, but I forget the time and so I end up turning it in a few minutes to a few hours late.
My Favourite Projects and things!
British Nationalism:
I love learning about my ancestors and ancestry. Research usually isn’t something I love doing, but learning about Queen Victoria was worth the research! Queen Victorias reign was called the Victorian era, it was a bountiful time for Britain. She ended up marrying her her first cousin, Prince Albert, and she had 9 children, 5 girls and 4 boys. I feel like this project stretched my researching skills, and got me looking at multiple sources to make sure my information was credible. One success behaviour I feel I used was “integrity” because my work was original.
Di was such a fun experience! My favourite part was working in a group, especially with other grades. I also loved actually presenting our work and performing. We won second over all in both our competitions. Our group was very proud and surprised that we won a Da Vinci Award! The Da Vinci Award is a rare award given to “those who clearly demonstrate that spirit of adventurous risk to reach truly new and unique destinations.” We received it for our incredibly awesome dance to starships by Niki Minaj. During Di we had to use many success behaviours, especially the ones related to being in a team. For example “Helpfulness” and “With peers”.
The Exhibition:
During the exhibitions I always get my steps in! This latest exhibition project, the winter exhibition project was in the end something I was fairly proud of. When I heard the exhibition was going to be about World War One, I was very apprehensive, because I am not a history buff what so ever. But when I heard the end result was going to be a comic I was a bit more relieved, because I love to draw. When we were researching topics I remembered that someone at some point had mentioned that I had a family member in WW1. So I asked my mum and she told be about my Great Grandpa Dugald Smith. She told me his story and I decided to make it my comic! In the end this project showed me that history can be quite interesting, especially if it’s something you can be proud of, like how my great grandpa fought for his country and his family. I feel like the success behaviours I used in this project were, “completing evidence” and “focus” because we needed to complete the project on time and lock in to make sure our comics were good.
My comic: Dugald Smith
PLP Trips:
I talked a fair bit about PLP trips in my mPOL but they’re probably my favourite part of PLP! They always bring our class closer together and there always full of unique experiences. From going to a cheese factory, to climbing a mountain, PLP trips will never disappoint! They help me use many of my success behaviours, such as “citizenship” and “with peers” because us students on the trip are representing PLP outside of the classroom and interacting with the public.
Extra curricular activities:
Something that isn’t PLP, but could be related to it, and something I love so much, are Seycoves extra curricular activities! I’m in band, I was also on the junior girls basketball team and junior girls soccer team. I love being on those teams, working together, making new friends, trying our best, and having fun! In band, I won an award for leadership, which I didn’t really expect, but I was really proud of that. I met some amazing PLP 8’s through especially the soccer team, as well as band! IIn these activities there are some relevant success behaviours, such as “contributions” and “citizenship”. PLP 9 is also a team of our own. You need multiple people to make a team, and there’s no I in team!
Goals I want to score!
My top 3 goals for next year:
1. To make sure I fully understand the elements of the project, or the lessons we’ve already been taught corresponding with the project, before I do the final part of the project to make sure its to the best of my abilities.
2. To just ask more questions, maybe even the question “How do I make this extending?”
3. To understand the different elements of PLP better, for example success behaviours and driving questions.
Final minutes!
To answer the driving question, how can you showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP success behaviours have prepared you to advance to the next grade?
I was able to tick off most of the “consistently” boxes in the “success behaviours in proficient learners chart” which shows that I feel like I have been displaying the success behaviours in all of my projects.
This year I feel like my work has slowly and progressively gotten better. I put more and more effort in! PLP, even I didn’t really get how it worked at first, is actually a really great fit for me. It helps me unlock my creativity, and put my personality into my work.
To warp it up, and a fun fact, my name “Ailie” or spelt “Eilidh”(that would have been much harder for substitute teachers to pronounce) means “light” in Scottish Gaelic, as in sunlight or light for a street light. So to live up to my name, literally, I want to be able to shine a light everywhere I go and with everything I do. Whether its in my work or in a classroom, I want to leave behind a little bit of Ailie.
Thank you so much for watching and listening to my tPOL!
That’s the final whistle! Good game and see you next year!
Have a good summer!
– Ailie đź’ś
P.S. Those were all soccer references! ⚽️