Why does the world need more Canada?


Why does the world need more canada? That’s a pretty good question, and that was the driving question we had to answer for this project! Other than maple syrup, we as Canadians bring so much to the table (the breakfast table obviously).

Thinking Thursday:

I never watch the news that much, but when we were assigned to watch the national every night, I actually quite enjoyed being informed. I heard a bunch of different types of stories, but the story I chose to talk about was “girl gets set on fire at high school in Saskatoon”. I relate to this story because l am a 15 year old girl in high school in the Canadian school system. This incident was tragic and very interesting to me.

β€œGirl of 15 set on fire by girl of 14 at high school in Saskatchewan.”


One of my favourite things about this project was being able to really put my personality into my work! We had to choose a topic we wanted to discuss related to Canada’s awesomeness, and I chose soccer in Canada! I play soccer in a Canadian youth soccer club and so Canadian soccer really relates to me. I’m also pretty passionate about professional soccer. I was very proud that I could put what I love into my work. I also learned how to use a 3 act structure to build up my script.

Soccer in Canada


The actual aftermath of my script was my podcast, which I’m very proud of! | learned how to use garage band. I recorded and edited my voice, and I added sound effects for more pizazz! I went a little bit over the 5 minute limit, but I was able to cut down and only include the most important things. There was just so much I wanted to say about soccer in Canada! I always love doing a project where I can connect it to something I love. Please give my podcast a listen, and check out my classmates podcasts too!

Core Competency:

The Core Competency for this concert was! πŸ€” Questioning: I can ask questions, research

information, and share ideas. I feel like I need to ask more questions to insure I understand and so that I can do my best work. I did do a bunch of research to make sure all of my facts were correct, but I had learned about Canada soccer previously, just because it’s one of my interests. I shared my ideas thought my podcast and made edits to it when needed.

My answer to the driving question “Why does the world need more Canada?”

The world needs more Canada because it promotes peace, cooperation, and inclusivity on a global scale. Welcoming more immigrants can strengthen its economy and enrich its cultural diversity. Canada’s values of kindness and respect for human rights serve as a positive example for other nations. Overall, more of Canada’s approach could lead to a better, more united world.

Thank you so much for reading yet another one of my blog posts! Have a good day!

-Ailie πŸ’œ

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