About me!


My name is Ailie (Ay-Lee) and welcome to my blog! Letā€™s get started with a bit little about me.

I am part of a family of five. Me, my little brother, my parents and my cat. My little brother is 12 and has many shared interests with me.

One of the interests we share is playing soccer! I love to play soccer, itā€™s by far my favourite sport. I play for a soccer club called NSGSC (north shore girls soccer club) and Iā€™ve been playing for this club since I was 4. Iā€™m on a Div 3 team called the comets, which is the team Iā€™ve played on for 2 seasons now. I love playing on a team, we all have to work together to succeed.

Another ā€œteamā€ I technically play for is PLP! PLP or the performance learning program is a project based learning program. We learn the curriculum, but with our iPads, and through presentations and public displays. Within PLP, the people I work with are in our PLP 10 cohort! Weā€™re one of the biggest cohorts with 48 people. My favourite part of PLP is definitely the trips! We travel one place every year and we learn in a different environment. In grade 8 we went to Oregon (link to blog) in grade 9 it was Alberta (link to blog) and loon lake (link to blog) and this year weā€™re going to Florida! All of our learning is always hands on, and I think it really suites my learning style.Ā 

I also love travelling without PLP! My family and I love to travel! We have family in Scotland and England, who we visit every few years. Our most recent trip was this summer, we went to Scotland, Spain, Portugal and England.Ā 

Through out the school year you will learn more about me, through how I do my projects and what information I put in my posts, but good bye for now!Ā 

Thanks for reading my blog post!

Have a good day!

-Ailie šŸ’œ

I was Ore-gone al-gain!


Welcome back to my blog people!Ā 

Filming, filming filming and more filming. The camera, always on. Icloud storage, disappeared. The filming was endless.

Our PLP 9 class went on our annual field study! This time we went to Alberta. The focus was 4 different videos. Our projects driving question for maker was how do we use the image to tell a story? After going on this awesome trip, and making the videos, I now have an answer to this question. The moving image, aka video provokes emotions. What we do or say in the video, our acting or our actions can tell a story.

So here we go! The first video that we did, and probably my favourite video is the silent video. We had to come up with a storyline, and choose what buildings, or where we wanted to film it within three valley gap.

Ā Our group went with a murder mystery. Our storyline started once upon a time there was a murderer who terrorized a small town. Then it builds from there and gets more dramatic and to be honest just more fun. I had a really great group made up of, Finn, Nate, Maddie, and myself. We quite enjoyed filming and really getting into our characters. Iā€™ll include the video for you guys to watch. And of course every film always has its mishaps, so Iā€™ll also include our absolutely hilarious, blooper reel. For this video, I learned that I love working in a group more than ever, iMovie is very easy to work with and configure, and never to trust your wife, because she might be the murderer!

My silent film:

My silent film bloopers:

The next video is our TikTok inspired video. We could do this in groups or by ourselves. This one was just for fun. I did mine with Neko, and we decided to do the clap trend throughout the places we went in the Rockies. Itā€™s also sort of a fit check from each day. Iā€™ll include it below! From this video, I learned that there are so many places with absolutely stunning views in the Rockies, how to make a YouTube short, and that Neko always has really good outfits, but I already knew that!

My TikTok video:

The next video is the at home video. This was a video that we did before we went to Alberta. The question for that video was what inspires me? Well youā€™ll see if you watch it! My friends and family are really impactful in what inspires me! I learned that I love using slow motion, that my cat doesnā€™t love me and I love throwing my work out the window!

Here is my at home video:

What inspires me!

The final video that we did was our investigative video. For this video we had to make a thesis statement, we had to do interviews, and put it all together into one video, cohesively, and sort of make it like a story. This one was probably the toughest video for me, but it was also quite fun, walking up to strangers, and interviewing them it gave me insight on what people thought about my thesis.Ā 

The questions I asked for my interview were, where are you from? What part of Canada do you consider the west? What do you think makes the west of Canada different from the rest of Canada? and how do you think the west has shaped your identity? My thesis was, Canada is a big country made up of different provinces. British Columbia and Alberta, also known as the west, are unique from the rest of Canada, due to their mountainous geography. The Canadian Pacific Railway was built despite the challenging terrain, reflecting the identity of those who still live here.

Here is my investigative video:

Do you know the song ā€œAinā€™t no mountain high enough.ā€ By Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell? I do! And I also know that the mountains in Alberta were definitely high enough, or at least the ones we hiked up! Though sore muscles, broken buses and crashing into trees on a ropes course, Alberta was so fun!!

Thank you so much for reading my blog post!

ā€“ Ailie šŸ’œ

My 2023 tPOL!!

Hi again people!!!

So weā€™re doing our tPOLs, which are the same as our mPOLs, they are just for the transition into grade 9! So hereā€™s mine:

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

To start, (teacher doing tPOL) these are my parents Paul and Jen Hetherington.Ā 

First off, PLP was a whole new experience for me. I was a little apprehensive about learning with the iPads, because I wasnā€™t that techy. The only school tech experience I had before the iPads was google classroom on a chrome book. I didnā€™t know if I was going to love or hate the style of learning. But it turns out that I love it. Now I have more experience on the iPad, more experience public speaking, and more experience with learning in different ways.

My favourite PLP class this year had to be maker, because I love anything to do with art and photography. I also loved humanities, because I learned about topics I hadnā€™t before. I also love science because all of the activities are very fun, and intriguing. I learned how to make a natural disaster! Iā€™ve been learning so many new things this year in all of my classes.

So we created our learning plans what seems like forever ago, but hereā€™s mine:

I definitely feel like I have made some of my growths into, well at least I can now probably can do them better then I used to. Especially with technology. So I feel like I have improved with the help of my teachers and fellow class mates.

As my blog is currently titled, I learned that its ok to F.A.I.L. Because its a first attempt in learning.

The exhibitions are obviously a big part of PLP. Our most recent one, the spring exhibition was all about our business and why we went to Oregon, but Iā€™ll talk about that later. Here is my work advertising for our assigned business, Kam Meng. We also made soooo many drafts! We interviewed our business and put all our info in our journal. You can see all of my work in my journal!Ā 

Here it is: LAUNCH Portfolio

This was the finished product of our stall for Kam Meng!:

My favourite part, and probably the most educational par, by far of PLP was the oregon field study. I absolutely love hands-on learning, and Oregon was all about that. We went to Oregon to do a humanities project about different businesses in Oregon and interviewed them to make advertisements. As I said I was assigned Kam Meng, which was an American Chinese food restaurant. My group and I, consisting of me, Mika, Esther, Izzy, Aiden, Mateo, and Sebastian, interviewed our business on our two separate trips.

Oregon was an experience in its self, but some points I really enjoyed. In terms of fun things, I loved zip lining, were we flew through the air, were attached to people having Asthma attacks, and even bumped into a Sasquatch. Another fun thing was bullwinkles, witch was a surprise stop! We did know we were going to a theme park. There were so many fun things to do, we climbed a ropes course, played laser tag, and even go carted.

In terms of the educational side, because yes, we did learn, I love many places where you could see marine life. My favourite was Yaquina head, where we met many sea urchins, even though there spiny they still give good hugs. We also watched seals give birth witch was interesting. Probably the most educational place we went was Hatfield marine science center. We did three different experiments, we counted and measured shrimp, raced crabs, and built R.O.Vs.

The whole Oregon trip was just amazing! Hereā€™s my Oregon journal so you can see my trip as a whole:

Iā€™m so excited for grade 9! Bring on the ups and downs, the hard work and the fun days, the field studyā€™s and the exhibitions.Ā 

The driving question was: Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level? I hope I am! I want to be! So, do you think Iā€™m ready to go to grade 9?


Thanks so much for reading! tPOLs, like mPOLs are an important part of PLP!

-Ailie šŸ’œ

Exhibiting the spring exhibition


Iā€™m back to post again! This time we had the spring exhibition, and the project surrounding it! It was an amazing exhibition. Our class was much more organized than we had been last time. We didnā€™t get a lot of days to plan, but we managed it! Our plan at the beginning was to rely heavily on the all providing dollar store. In the end we executed our plan and it actually worked.

All of grade 8 was stationed in the gym. Each of our Oregon groups were given a table. Our group, Kam Meng was stationed in a good spot. We arranged our table and put out the materials. Then we set out our food and drink. We used 7up and called it bamboo extract, we also put out fortune cookies, and cookies decorated with icing.
Here is our draft of what we wanted it to look like:

We basically executed the draft exactly!

The whole project that we featured in this exhibition was the reason we went to Oregon! But first letā€™s go back to before we went to Oregon. We started off our whole project for the exhibition by defining media: a way to communicate, mostly through technological means, regarded collectively. Evolving from that we defined other things to do with media for example the consumer: They are a big group of people who could be part of the target audience, or not, who have purchased a product. They consume products, in our case, products from companies.

Then we continued with the knowledge of what media is, to learn about the different types of it, specifically advertisements. We did many smaller activities to extend our knowledge about advertising.

Now that we knew all about advertising, we were introduced to our project. First we were assigned a group of about 7 people, my group was Mika Aidan EstherĀ  Izzy Matteo and Seb! Then we were assigned a business in Oregon, and ours was Kam Meng, an American style Chinese restaurant. We planned for the interview, and then we executed it in Oregon to one of the workers. Then we gathered that info from the interview to execute our own ad for our business. We used the info to brainstorm, and then made numerous drafts. In the end we made a final draft! I am so proud of my final draft.

Here it is:

One more thing before I go, we made a journal, called a launch journal going through the steps of what we did for the project.

LAUNCH Portfolio

The spring exhibition went so well!

Thanks for reading my blog post!!

-Ailie šŸ’œ

We were Ore-gone for a few days, but now weā€™re back!

Hello again!!

In this post, Iā€™m going to be telling you about one of PLPā€˜s main features, one of the funnest parts, and my favourite part. The most recent thing we did with PLP was go on something called a field study. I feel the study is basically a multi day field trip. They are lots of fun and lots of info! This field study, we went to Oregon. Hereā€™s what we did and why we went to Oregon in the first place.

In PLP, thereā€™s a reason why we go on a super awesome trip to another country. This time it was for an advertising project called the medium is the message! This project is a humanities project, focusing on advertising. First in groups, we were assigned a business. All of those businesses were the ones we were going to visit in Oregon. Each day when we visited these businesses assigned to whatever business we were at interviewed them. My group was Kam Meng, an American style, Chinese restaurant.

First day of our Oregon trip, we drove a whole lot. All the way across the border and a few more hours. After a quick stop at Cabelas, our first business and our first food stop was Clarkā€™s restaurant. Then we drove some more, stopped at Dismal Nitch and continued on to our second business group at Astoria Column. Then we had dinner and visited Peter Iredale. And continued onto our cabins where we stayed for the next two days.

The second day we had breakfast and went to the Columbia River. Then we went to Fort Stevens and had our first quest. After lunch at Dairy Queen, we went zip lining at Highlife Adventures where our third group interviewed that business. Then we had dinner and went to bed.

Day three we had breakfast and drove to the Columbia River Maritime Museum, where we checked out the cool displays. Fourth interview group interviewed the museum. Then we drove and had lunch at Pig and Pancake, which was really delicious. Then we went to Cannon Beach and enjoyed the wonderful view. Then one of my favourite stops, the Tillamook Creamery where we learned about how they made cheese and even got to sample it. Then we went back for dinner and a good sleep.


On day four we had breakfast and went to arguably one of the coolest natural places I have ever been. Yeah quit now head at least thatā€™s what it sounded like it was spelled Yaquina Head. The fifth group interviewed the people at a lighthouse there. And we went off on our second quest. Then we went to Hatfield Marine Science Center where we would go the next morning as well. And the sixth group interviewed the interviewees. Then we had dinner at a very good buffet.

Day five: by now we were staying at the yurts which were a very fun communal place to stay. We went back to Hatfield Marine Science Center. Yesterday we did an experiment on how fast crabs can run, today weā€™re doing two experiments. The first experiment was finding shrimp on a mud beach, and recording the number of them, their age, sex etc. The second experiment was building an R.O.V. And getting it to pick up magnetic objects underwater. Then we had lunch and went to a marine discovery tour, where our seventh group interviewed the organization. Then we had our third quest. Then we had dinner at my interview groupsā€™ business Kam Meng, where we interviewed our business.

Next Day 6, we had breakfast and headed to Depoe Bay. Then we drove and our teachers had prepared a surprise for us. We went to BULLWINKLES which is an arcade, pizza place, and theme park! Then we drove for another while where we had dinner at Burger Claim, a burger place with peanut butter burgers! Itā€™s our last night, so we stayed at a hotel! We swam in the pool before bed and then went to sleep.

Our last day we drove to a place called Wolf Haven, which is a sanctuary for wolves and our last interview group. Then we drove to Golden Corral Buffet to have lunch. Then it was the home stretch. I was in the van, because we had the van and the bus! I absolutely loved van shenanigans! We drove for a lot of hours to finally get home!

It was so much fun, and I learned so much!

Hereā€™s my journal about our travels:

Thank you so much for reading my blog post!
– Ailie šŸ’œ

Colonization was cray cray!!

Hello again!!

Our most recent project along side https://www.blog44.ca/ailieh/2023/05/04/science-the-game-or-maybe-its-a-subject/ in science is our humanities project on colonization.

To start this project off we were randomly assigned a group of people who came to New France when it was colonized. I was assigned les filles du roi the kingā€™s daughters, you can read more about them here: Research Questions – ColonizationĀ .

Next we wrote a paragraph for a script we were saying for a video, but before we officially wrote the script, we were put in groups. We had one person from each category of people travelling to and/or living in New France. My group members were FinnĀ who studied the indigenous peoples, HazelĀ poor people, SidneyĀ rich people, and DanicaĀ missionaries.

As our final project, we all wrote paragraphs and answered the two questions: how did colonization affect all involved, and what were the consequences of colonization. We then put our paragraphs and answers together in a script. Next we drew symbols to represent our group of people, then we recorded ourselves in Armaker using our symbols as a visual. Finally using iMovie we put together our recordings to explain the perspective of all of the participants in the colonization of New France!

Now we have finished our most recent PLP projects, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be back because there are certainly more to come soon!!!

Thanks for reading for now!!

-Ailie šŸ’œ

Science the game!! (Or maybe itā€™s a subject??)


Welcome back to my blog! This time Iā€™m back because we have finished a new project in science! We have learned so many things in so little time, whether it is what weā€™re made out of, what happens to ice when it melts, and why or why not gummy bears get bloated in different water temps and types. But first, lets talk about what we did to learn the info for this project.Ā 

During the month of April we learned many things. We learned about matter, and how it makes up all objects, including living things. To add a little bit of math we learned how to calculate an objectā€™s volume using its mass and density, or vice versa. Then we learned how to make qualitative and quantitative observations.Ā 

Next we touched up on the states of matter, focusing on how the temperatures put them through changes (kinetic molecular theory). Ā 

Using an experiment to help make it fun and interactive, the next thing we learned about was diffusion. The steps for the experiment were, multiple bags of gummy bears and a whole lot of sugar loving teens. So, now you have your sugar loaded teens and less gummy bears than expected, just kidding we didnā€™t have tooooo manyyy. You basically take the gummy bears and put them in water of different temperature or carbonation, and leave them in the water for a day and observe the results!Ā 

Finally to sum up all of the things we learned, we created a video game. We could pick anything we learned to be our theme, for example I picked a game inspired by t-rex run. First you start with an ice cube and it has to jump over objects to go to round 2 which is liquid. Then same thing with liquid to gas. If you make it through the gas level you win the game. It relates to the states of matter, and the acceleration of the particles compared to the heat they are exposed to.Ā 

Thanks for reading my blog post!!

-Ailie šŸ’œ

There are friends in your body!


We just finished our science unit on cells. The driving question was:Ā How can our knowledge of cell biology contribute to public health?

Our first keystone was an experiment. We swabbed a surface of our choice and watched the bacteria grow! I did the wall and floor in the girls bathroom. There was so much bacteria. There was more on the floor than the wall, therefor my hypothesis was right!

Hereā€™s my field journal:

Field Journal

For keystone two we made character cards for all of the different types of cells. The white blood cell, the b-cell, the killer, memory and help t-cells, the macrophage, and the antibodies.

Immune Cell Character – B-cell

Immune Cell Character – White blood cell

Immune Cell Character – Macrophage

Immune Cell Character- T-cells

Immune Cell Character – Antibodies

Keystone three was making an infographic about why someone might not want to get vaccinated. I worked with Tate Me, Myself, and IĀ and Syd Syddy giddy insta graham crackers blog!Ā We made an infographic on canva with the theme: why did people not get it?

To finish up this unit we made a poster promoting getting rid of pathogens! Students from Eastview Elementary drew pictures of what they thought cells and pathogens looked like. Then we had to incorporate their drawings into our posters, then our posters will be put up around Eastview, and the students there will be able to see their drawings in our posters!

Hereā€™s my poster:


Thank you so much for reading my blog post!

Remember there are friends in your body, protect them!

-Ailie šŸ’œ

Exploring the explorers


I havenā€™t posted in so long. The project Iā€™m writing about is the most recent project we did for PLP Humanities. We were learning about vikings, and their travels. Then we moved forward in time a little more, but we still stuck with the explorers.Ā 

The project we did to summarize our work before we start spring break was writing a book about an explorer or a perspective to do with an explorer. I did mine on Jacques Cartier, the French explorer that helped colonize Canada. My story is written from the perspective of an imaginary maid that worked on his ship as a cleaner.Ā 

Hereā€™s the link to my story:

Ā https://read.bookcreator.com/0GbF6KWuIUaBAsWSKgkj21LeHq83/smjev0gOTnyO3c6kZ2hm0w

This project has helped me understand why the explorers were motivated to explore!

Thanks for reading my blog post!

-Ailie šŸ’œ

My mPOL 2022-2023

Hello again everyone!

For the semester turnaround we had to present something called an mPOL. It is our declaration of learning for PLP! Hereā€™s what I have planned.

First you introduce your parents to your teacher. Then you say your declaration of learning.

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening to my presentation.

Next you talk all about your learning, things you improved on, are working on etc.

Some skills I learned at Saint Pius are really useful, like knowing how to create an understandable and straight to the point presentation, being able to plan out what I'm going to say and how I'm going to say it, and including the information in an interesting way. We were taught how to use google docs and google slides and other apps to make a high quality presentation. But my favourite app was, and still is canva. It helps me express my creativity.

I am really proud of and I also absolutely loved some of the projects we did so far this year. My laptop Memoji was a very fun expressive project to do. I tried to portray my creative and artsy side through the stickers I chose to put on the laptop.

I also really loved the photo unit we did in maker, called making interesting images. I loved finding out new things about the camera app and the way you can portray photos, based off of the angles, lighting, and filters.

Here is a sample of my work.

I also loved our drawing unit where we learned how to better use sketches pro. I created a book with the drawings that I made. You can find it on my post titled finding fun with drawing.


I can improve my organization skills, and my organization of time. I sometimes forget to check showbie and I havenā€™t submitted the appropriate work. If thereā€™s something that interests me while Iā€™m doing any kind of work I could certainly become more engaged in it than finishing my project. I can also improve on my listening skills, when Iā€™m tired I have a shorter attention span.Ā 

The most interesting thing I have learned so far this year is that itā€™s ok to fail, you can always try again. I also love all of the fun projects we get to do, like our most recent project on the renaissance. We researched the different innovations from the renaissance, then put the ones we found the most intriguing in to an art piece called a triptych which is a three panelled piece of art. We also made an historical explanation answering the driving question, ā€How did the ideas from Europe and Asia change the world?ā€.


This year I have failed in not putting enough effort in to some of my work. Sometimes I feel like Iā€™m rushing when I have enough time to be more detailed and work harder on it. Not all of my work is to my own standards.

I am going to strive to achieve to put in my full potential when working on any of my work. I am also going to strive to achieve the best possible results of my work. Iā€™m also going to strive to achieve to be on task as much as needed.Ā 

This is my learning plan.

At the beginning of the year we wrote down what we already knew from the plp subjects, and we set new goals for things we want to learn. I wanted to achieve extending in all of my classes. I havenā€™t met all of the goals I wanted to yet but the ones I havenā€™t met yet Iā€™m on my way to meeting them. We had to put down our strengths and growths, also our goals. Here are the other things I wrote. I would like to be able to spell better, and write better. I would also like to be a little more confident in my public speaking abilities.Ā 

My conclusion:Ā 

There have been so many fun projects and things this semester. Ā I have learned so much this semester, and I hope I will learn so much more next semester. I hope semester two will be as amazing as semester one.Ā 

Thank you so much for reading my post!

Itā€™s been a while since the renaissance!

Hello! Welcome back to my blog!

Our final project for Humanities was radical innovations from the renaissance. First we made notes on innovations from the renaissance. Then we sketched out our triptych, which is a three panelled piece of art. Next we decide which innovations we were going to show case in our triptych. We use super impose to photoshop our faces into a painting from the renaissance. We then used those to build our triptych. We created our triptych, then wrote our historical explanation! Here they both are!

Ideas from Europe and Asia spread across the world during the renaissance, they were the match that started the fire. Everyone began to think more critically and challenged others ideas. They started to create new things, solve problems, and mentally and physically, create art.

New ideas in the Renaissance changed the world by making a printing press which created books, lenses which developed into glasses, the barometer, which was just like your local weather man, and paintings which lead to a whole world of art. The printing press through books, created fantasy worlds and unknown places, lenses let people see the world better, and the art that was created let people be more creative. The invention of the kindle is incredibly signifagent, like how the printing press was incredibly significant. The printing press created books, flyers, newspapers, and many other things to read. The kindle has those things on one device. Lenses are one of the most significant inventions from the renaissance. They helped people with blurry vision to see. The barometer was created in the 1600s by Evangelista Torricelli who was a former pupil of Galileo Galilei. Some of the most famous art pieces were created in the renaissance, for example the Mona Lisa. Art then developed in style and creativity. It was, and rarely, still is use to measure the air pressure and tell what the weather might be. All of these ideas are benifisial to people today, I need reading glasses to see better, I read books on my kindle every night, and I see art inspired, or from the renaissance almost everyday.

Traditional ideas that people had before the renaissance include the idea that there is only one religion and one right view, and that is Catholicism. They were convinced that the church was always right. The chatholic church forced people into there religion by telling them thereā€™d go to hell if they didnā€™t, and that it was the will of god that they joined the religion. Now, the Catholic Church has branched off into many different religions. There have been new religions created such as Bahaā€™i which was created in 1844, or the oldest religion which is Hindu, it was created between 2300 B.C. and 1500 B.C. Religions are ever changing, they all have different beliefs and rituals. New or old there all beliefs of someone.

The creation of all of the beautiful things in the renaissance like printing press, lenses, barometers and art have improved and shaped our world as we know it today. There were very simple art styles in the renaissance and they expanded and became many different styles. Books these days have extended into a wide range of styles and genres, some of them have even become modernized or downloaded on to devices so you can have many books in one. Lenses have helped people see properly, I wouldnā€™t be able to read properly without my reading glasses. The barometer started the intrest in forecasting weather, which has become a valuable job. People in the renaissance period discovered big things, things that were so important that without them today, it would be less easy to live. Lenses were made from pieces of glass, now there are different prescriptions and things for different types of eye problems. Lenses are one of the many innovations that have helped solve problems of the world today.

Many of the innovations that were created in the renaissance were a big step towards things that are made today. Without the creativity of the minds who created innovations in the renaissance our world wouldnā€™t be the same as it is. The ideas in Europe and Asia changed the world through creativity, and a will to challenge normalities.

My triptych!

Thanks for reading my blog!
