Atomic Habits Reflective Post

How Can Small Changes In My Habits Shape My Success This Year And Beyond?

Hello, this question you see above was our Driving Question for our project that we have been working on for the past 2 months, the idea was to implement habits in our daily lives to creat large changes in our futures, not just helping with bad habits but changing your lifestyle into the person that you want to be, and my answer to the driving question? Small changes can seem like they dont affect very much but over time if you keep consistency in your habits you will begin to see change but in the long run it can become harder to maintain these habits unless you incorporate them into your regular lifestyle until they stop being habits and just your go to actions. Most of the habits in the book are shaped around how you can execute your targets or helping with your work life and in our case how can it help shape our success not just for school but for our entire lives, and with lots of these habit laws like “make it attractive, Make it easy or make it satisfying” can affect your day to day in more ways than you think, just by thinking of yourself as more than you make yourself out to be Cavan help in many ways, for example: by saying you smoke you wont be able to quit the habit because you think of yourself as a smoker but if you tell yourself that you Aren’t a smoker you will implement the thought in your mind that you don’t smoke so you won’t need to do it as much. It’s small changes like these not just in your own head but changing your surroundings can be beneficial to you in the long run.

In this project we read a book called Atomic Habits and this book has been world renowned and honestly it shows, this book was all about how you can create a more productive lifestyle  and while we read the book it seemed like we had shown our learning through the book since  the book has lots of skills that are good b not only for school leaning but also in daily life. We also made an artifact that can reflect on all of our learning through this project and I made a menu, and  I know it doesn’t sound like a lot but I think of it more as a reminder for myself everyday to use these habits.

this was my final product and I know it doesn’t look like much but I’m proud of it and I think that this is a good way for me to remind myself of what my long term goals are and this also helps remind me of everything else I learnt in the book and I thin that this project is really vital for all PLP learners and I’m glad I got to learn about this too.