Spring Exhibition 2023

To give some background on the spring exhibition, during the time we went to Oregon we were put into groups where we had to create advertisements for certain assigned business’/company’s such as Kam Meng or Yaquina Head. My group got High Life Adventures for our company, which is a zip lining place located in the wilderness of Oregon. During our time in Oregon we had to interview these company’s and ask them questions in order to help finalize our advertisements. During this process of trying to make a good advertisement it took me 5 different drafts before I could get to a descent advertisement.

You can definitely see my progress as I went from a pretty bad draft to a fairly descent one in the very end. The top drafts were my first ones and as you go down they get newer and newer. The one at the very bottom was my finished and final one.

Our finished ads were the things which we presented at the spring exhibition. To present everything we got some thick string and hung all of our ads on sort of a “zip line” which we hung up from the wall to the back door at the exhibition as you can see at the very first picture at the top of this blog post. All of our ads were up there except the best High Life Adventures ad which we all came to an agreement on. Our group all did a vote on whose final ad was the best and decided that’s Adam’s ad was the best to present as the main ad. The best ad was printed to be bigger than the other ads and was then placed on a little board to stand out.

During the progression of making the ads, we did learn a lot about some of the different advertising techniques and appeals such as logos and pathos, as well as rhetorical questions and vague claim. I mainly used pathos which uses emotional connections, I tried making the zip lining in my ad look very fun and exciting. I also used a bit of “sense of power”, I made my ad look like it’d give you power by flying through the air in a zip line.

Some things that could have gone better was the fact that there weren’t enough breaks and people would just wonder off and “go explore” some of the other stations. I remember there were even sometimes where there was like only 2 people at our station because everyone else was again “on break”. So I think we should’ve had some sort of resting period for like 15-20 minutes just for people to regain their energy. Another challenge was having to stand up for hours and hours, don’t get me wrong I don’t have a problem with standing up but I just find having to stand in the same spot for like 3 hours very tiring and very difficult. Next time I suggest we should use chairs instead of just standing in one position the whole time.

Now for the driving question, “how does advertising persuade, sell, and influence society?”. I think advertising can persuade society by attracting people to buy their products and can sort of make them want to buy it by the way the ads present themself. Ads can also influence society in many ways, like if there’s a really good ad on surfing, the person who sees that ad may want to go and try surfing or possibly want to maybe even try advertising. Advertising can also be a really good way to sell products to society and can be a good way to get a certain message out or showcase what you have to offer to a large amount of people.

Overall I think even though there were some challenges and difficulties in the Spring Exhibition it was definitely a very fun experience and was a good opportunity to talk to people and practice public speech and presentation skills. I really enjoyed talking about my progress within the ads and showing my growth as a PLP learner. I hope to do this again in the future!