Tagged: PGP

Take Your Kid To Work Day!

Hi y’all and welcome back to my blog and today I am going to be talking about the thing that every single grade 9 goes through on November 6th…yeah, you guessed it, Take Your Kid To Work Day. Every year, all of the grade 9s spend a day at their parents work and need to complete a few questions or something on a piece of paper but, this program is extra special so we all created super cool videos. 

Here was my action plan that I did before the take your kid to work day. I think to make sure for next time would be to be much more detailed and specific with what I want my video to look like and what shots I want for it. But I mean, this action plan is a little bit more for editing because, at the take your kid to work day, it’s really just getting as much b-roll as possible and doing interviews. 

My mom is a mortgage broker which means that she’s self employed so she has a pretty flexible schedule but, this also means that, if she doesn’t work, she doesn’t get payed (because she doesn’t have a monthly salary or anything). So, even though my mom is self employed, she still works at an office that she shares with other people; Mark Rasmussen (A Realtor) and Andrea Johnson (A Notary Public). Even though they don’t work together, they can still work together on some projects or work off of each other. 

Also, even though my mom does not work for a company, she represents an organization of mortgage professionals called Mortgage Alliance in fact, she is in an elite group within Mortgage Alliance named The Vine Group. 

We started off the day and got to the office at around 8ish and I left at 4:30 ish to go to an after school activity but typically, my mom would stay till 5-5:30 ish but it really depends on the day or week.

During my visit on take your kid to work day, I also noticed that my mom’s work has some common things that we use now in PLP. For example, for each client, my mom has a certain amount of milestones, that she keeps track on an app called Floify. Just like in PLP, where we use milestones for each one of our projects. So, for some people saying that high school or school in general doesn’t prepare you for anything in the future, then your pretty wrong. 

Now, I’m going to be reflecting on the core competencies that we are being assessed on in this assignment. 

The first competency is “Question self and others about how individual purposes and passions can support the needs of the local and global community when considering career choices”. Now, my mom, being a very caring and selfless person, really loves to help others. This career also fit just right for her because, it uses her education in business and finance, her skills with problem solving and of course, with her love of helping people. So, when it comes to my mom’s career, she helps; first homebuyers getting a mortgage to actually afford it, people getting a second mortgage, a new mortgage and refinancing (dept). 

The next competency is “Recognize the impact of personal public identity in the world of work”. My mom, like most adults uses LinkedIn to advertise and give/get shoutouts from people she’s worked with. She also has a professional facebook account that she posts things about mortgages and stuff for her clients to see. She also uses Floify to share with her clients and organize herself better. 

The final competency that we were being assessed on is “Recognize and explore diverse perspectives on how work contributes to our community and society”. Just like what I said in the first one, my mom helps people in all sorts of ways. Everyone’s job should contribute to our community and society in different ways. 

The thing is about my video, I had filmed everything and gotten such great shots of everything including an interview with my mom, but my iPad crashed and I had to go and refilm everything one day after school. The thing was, that my mom was leaving the day after Take Your Kid To Work Day and hadn’t come back till very late at night the day before this was due. So, I sadly, was not able to incorporate an interview with my mom.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed getting to live in what the life of an adult is a and how different it is from school, yet, kind of similar. The thing about work is that it’s typically focused more on either your passions/what you like and/or what you are good at. I learned a lot from this experience and glad that I got to see what it would be like for me one day. 

See you later! 


PGP Time Machine Post

Hi! Welcome back to my blog! School is coming to an end, which means that there will be lots of final projects coming: you can expect to see a post on my tPOLs (just like mPOLs, click here to see it), my spring exhibition (click to see my winter exhibition post here) and my Blue Sky (it’s a project near the end of the year). But that’s not what we’re here to talk about today! So, you may be thinking, what is PGP? Are you making a real Time Machine? Like, a Back to the Future Time Machine? Or something along those lines… Well, PGP is this new course that was introduced to PLP, it stands for Personal Growth Plan, it teaches you how to become a better learner or just a better person overall.

Now for the Time Machine, I’m sorry to let you down, but it’s not a real Time Machine. My PGP Time Machine is my final project for this course (PGP), it is supposed to be something that we can present to our past self to educate our past self about all the wonder-ness of PGP and about things that I should know that I “wish I knew before”.

So now, let’s get onto the actual process of this project.

Since I chose to do a puppet show, I had to make the puppet (s), I had to write the script/what I was going to say, I had to film it, I had to edit it, I had to prepare my conclusion/reflection and now, this!

  1. Our first step was our Proposal form, what we wanted to do, here was mine:

2. Making the Puppets

I made lots and lots of research to find a really good puppet with the materials I had at home, I finally found this video on Youtube:

It was pretty well explained and understandable.

The materials consisted of cardboard and fabric, since I didn’t have fabric in those type of squares and made for that specific craft, I used a shirt that I didn’t use anymore and it worked just as well!

It took me about two days to finish everything but it was definitely worth it because I think that they turned out pretty well!

3. Script

For my script, I wanted to include an introduction for people that don’t really know what a Time Machine is, so I made a small introduction for them to understand it better.

Then there was my story, my story is between two friends: Procrastinating Peter and Productive Penney, this also kind of reminded me of the type of relationship between my brother sometimes (that’s why I got him to be the voice of Peter), he always wants to do the things he wants first (like video games) before doing work. Procrastinating Peter was also kind of like my past self as well because I used to be like that and think the same way.

Lastly, for my conclusion, I reflected on the time of my past self, how I’ve changed and how my productivity has “evolved”.

Here is my script, is the last version but it was way different before.

4. Filming

Now, this was quite a struggle, I wanted to find a way to have my backdrop being hung up in the background with me sitting under it so you couldn’t see me in the  shot. Since I had nothing but scotch tape to hang it up, it kept falling down. So, I took the back of one of my chairs to hold it up. For filming, I had to film it myself so I had to pile up a bunch of boxes on a chair to get the right angle. It was quite the challenge


5. Editing

This took me the longest to do, it took lots and lots of time since I wanted it to be absolutely perfect. I tried many different ways to get my audio in the story: I tried talking, subtitles and then I ended up going back to Talking. 

6. Conclusion

This was a very fun yet challenging project to do but, everyone likes a challenge! I really wish I knew about Things, Time Blocking, the 7 habits and Goal Setting because I would’ve been a lot more organized, having a balanced life and setting goals!

My Time Machine had 2 drafts and there is quite a drastic difference between the two:



Now, in the words of Ally, thank you for attending my TedTalk.
