Tagged: Week 2

SBC-Week 2

Hi it’s Alex, back with another blog post. This week, we did week 2 for the Student Blogging Challenge.

The first task we had this week was to create some form of commenting guidelines, click here to see mine from last year.

Next, I commented on three peoples blogs:

First, I commented on Dominic’s blog. I decided to comment on his blog because how found it super interesting how he was super passionate about music and that he could maybe become a musician one day.

Next, I commented on Grace’s blog. She is from …. talked about how she loved basketball and wanted to maybe become a vet one day,  just like me! I commented on her blog because I thought that we had lots in common already!

Next I commented on Niamh’s blog. She talked about her love for Basketball and the band Queen. She also mentioned that she was in 6th grade and going into secondary school the next year. I decided to comment on her blog to talk about what we have in common and that we went to secondary school after grade seven.


See you in my next blog post!