Small But Mighty was my first science unit. For this unit I learned all about the immune system and public health. Through three keystones and 1 finish line project, we were answered the driving question: “How can our knowledge of cell biology contribute to public health?”.
This whole project was really fun. For keystone 1 we got to do lots of hands on work. We made Petri dishes, and a field journal documenting the progress to answer the driving question: How do we interact with microorganisms here at school? With the petri dish’s and the field journal, we had to make a hypothesis and prediction. Mine was “The washrooms that are used more then others will have more microorganisms”.
I really enjoyed this project, because normally we don’t get to do hands-on work like this for our projects! I also really liked coming up with a hypothesis because it made me use my brain in a way I don’t think I normally do. It felt like a challenge to come up with an original hypothesis I liked, and actually wanted to answer. It took me a while, but I am happy with it.
My next keystone (#2), was making my immune system character cards. We learned about the immune system, before this keystone, specifically about the B-cells, T-cells, Antibodies, White blood cells, and macrophages. We then made a “character” card for each of these. I based all of my character cards off of “Barbie Life In The Dream House” characters, because I will forever be a #barbiegirl.
This project was really fun because I got to draw each character. I hadn’t drawn in a while, so it was a reason to use my creativity again. I wasn’t feeling to confident about how I did though. We didn’t just draw for our character cards, we also had to write about them, and what each cell did. I feel like I could have given a better description, but I was feeling rushed because we didn’t have as much time as I would have liked.
The third keystone might have been my favourite. For this keystone, we got to make posters de-bunking a myth about vaccines. I made a poster with my partner Izzy, de-bunking the myth about microchipping through vaccines.
I really enjoyed this project because I got to work with my friend Izzy, and learn about people’s theories on microchipping. I have always been interested in conspiracy theories, the government using microchipping as one of them. I loved doing research about it, because getting to find all the reasons to why this didn’t work was like a puzzle. I had to find lots of little pieces to build into one big piece. I found lots of really good articles on people de-bunking this myth, and then reading people disagree with them. I also really liked that this project reflected real-world issues. Lots of people don’t get vaccines, and that effects everyone. Making this poster could hopefully give people a new look on vaccines, and make them re-think their decision.
The last thing I made was a public health poster for kids. This project was pretty simple. All we had to do was incorporate a drawing of a pathogen made by elementary schoolers, have a snappy slogan, and show your knowledge over what we learned this past month. Other then this project, I am confident I did well throughout the unit. This finish line project is something I am not so confident about. I feel like my poster add a lot less detail then others, and was missing some elements. I noticed lots of peoples had facts on them, while mine doesn’t. I know I don’t have to do what everyone else does, but it is something I wish I could have incorporated into it.
Overall, I am very happy with this unit, and am over proud of my work!
How do you think I did?
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