For this humanities project I got to create a historically accurate diary made by Christopher Columbus. This diary had to answer the driving question: “What sparked global exploration and what was the impact?”.
I had lots of fun with this project, coming up with ways to talk about events that lead up to European exploration while still making it seem like a journal was a real challenge that got my brain working. I also had a word limit (I may have gone a little over) which made it really difficult to fit all the information I needed and wanted, and making sure story actually sounded good. I think I did really well with this project, and I think I shared what sparked global exploration and what were the impacts really well. I had to write in the first person, so talking about the future is really difficult and different. I really liked this final project for this unit because it challenged me.
I did notice throughout this project I got a little “lost”. I was very unsure of what my diary had to look like, and seemed to be struggling to stay on task. In the future, I think I have to continuously remind myself to stay focused, because it was all the little things I missed that left me so unsure.
I hope your read my book, and I hope you enjoy it!
Do you think it answers the driving question?
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