2022 Winter Exhibition!

Hello! I’ve recently been in the 2022 PLP winter exhibition and this blog post will be a short reflection on that time. This exhibition’s theme was the movie Avatar. Each room had a sub-theme and the room I was located in was called Abandoned Planet. The main content and creation of the rooms were designed by the PLP grade 8’s and 9’s. Well they were specifically creating content for this exhibition the grade 10’s, including me, were working on a separate project that ended up connecting to the main themes of avatar.

The final product of the project I was working on was a memorial of the Japanese Canadian interment. In addition to this post I’ve created a more in-dept reflection of this project, Ology of Apology. The sculpture my group and I created was a dying tree with images of the Japanese Canadian internment on the base with a flower sprouting out of it. The pictures are examples of the mistreatment of Japanese Canadians, the tree represents the dying roots as a result to the oppression and the flower show the new life the Japanese Canadian had to create. 

Throughout the exhibition I was able to use my communication skills to present the message of the memorial to an audience. I think this experience allowed myself to be more comfortable in expanding my ideas throughout a meaningful conversation. In relation to this I also experienced some positive and intriguing comments from the audience. I learned that one of the people I talked to was actually in the making of the creation of a real life Japanese Canadian Interment memorial. Experiences like this show why it is important to convey an idea to an audience with passion.  

In conclusion there was a driving question to this exhibition “What does James Cameron’s fantasy world of “Avatar” reveal about our own society?”. James Camerons’s Fantasy world of “Avatar” shows the different layers of disruption and racism within our society. This disruption, in more detail, is the lack of care for the environment. This is shown in Avatar through the rush of the human destroying anything and anyone just to get money, proving that our society is focused on greed and superiority instead of peace. 

Have you watched Avatar? Thanks for reading,

Alicia 😀 

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