This week was science! I love science. One of the sciences I am most interested in is entomology, so I decided to complete task one and learn some more about it!
Todd Petit via Compfight
Entomology is the study of insects, but that term is to specific. Entomology also studies things such as arachnids, slugs, and earthworms. It is a branch of zoology, which is in the category of Life Sciences.
William Kirby is considered the ‘father of entomology’. In 1815, he and William Spence wrote the first popular book on the subject, An Introduction To Entomology. In 1833, Kirby and Spence founded the Entomological Society of London, where he housed over 35 insect specimens.
Todd Petit via Compfight
A majority of professional entomologists in Canada are employed by the government. They work with Agriculture Canada and Forestry Canada.
Entomology is an amazing type of science, one that has helped society improve science, crops, and medicine.
The 3rd task looked fun, so I did it too.
This video is from TedEd and was created by Science Insider. I thought it was really informative, and it talked about whales. I love whales. 🐳
After watching the video, here are a few questions you can answer in the comments. Good luck!
- Which trees are the best growers?
- How tall are giraffes?
- What type of dinosaur was the tallest?
- Why can sea creatures grow bigger?
- How long is a lions mane jellyfish?
I also did the fifth task. Have a go at it, and good luck!
Hi Alivia, I can really see you are fascinated by science. I agree, it’s a really great subject.
The answers to your questions? 1. Giant Redwood and Mountain Ash. 2. 5.5 metres. 3. Brachiosaurus. 4. Because they are supported by water. 5. 60 metres.
I like the way of asking questions for your commenters. It means they have to read/watch your post to get the answers.
Hi Alice
Thanks! Good job on the questions. Science is really cool. Do you have a favorite branch of science?