Avatar reflection blog post
For our first winter exhibition, each grade made boxes relating to how lessons from avatar teach us about the real world. Our driving question was “ what does James Cameron‘s world of avatar reveal about our society?”
I made two boxes for the Exhibition. One was representing our destroyed and polluted planet with humans heading to pandora to take over. in my second box (my pandora world) I made a box showing the humans trying to take over pandora.
It am pretty proud of my boxes and I think allot of people at the expiation liked them too!
I think I did a good job at presenting and many people said it made allot more sense when I explained how the story from my box connected to my theme statement, which was-‘if we keep destroying our planet we need to remember we only have one.’’Many people found the topic I was talking about very important and they liked the detail I put in my boxes.
In avatar they were destroying the home tree because in the movie they were using pandora as a planet ‘B’’and taking all natures resources for granted and taking with no respect for the Na’vi or their nature.
This teaches us to respect ur planet and it shows what could happen in our future if we don’t do any thing about destruction and start making changes in how we live.
Making the box:
To create my first world (the destroyed planet) I used:
-paint on the back round
-resin to make the polluted water
– some cereal boxes to make factories
For pandora I used:
-Paint for the background
-Moss for the ground
-Sticks on the ground as decoration
-fairy lights to make it more visible
-A branch for the home tree with some leaves on top
-The humans were little figure’s from Michaels
-The Na’vi people i made by printing out images of them and then I stuck them to cardboard to make them stand upright
I have a couple of questions about the movie avatar itself including-
-Why was Jake chosen by the spirt seeds, even though he was a human and his avatar was fake?
-What are the Na’vi afraid of?
-What is their Na’vi biggest frustration?
This Project has made me open my eyes and realize some major issues in our world and I was happy to share the Things I learned with others as the winter exhibition.
This also kind of opened a window to our nature for me, I already knew about Pollution and preserving nature but this let me extend and share my Knowledge with others.
This can lead to me and others really step up for what we think is right. 🙂