
 Have you ever ripped up multiple stuffy’s and then sewn different parts together?

Well I have and I made even made a story and video to go with it!

this project was all about storytelling, creating and editing In this project, we learned how to use various tools to make our movies, and I learned how to become a better writer.

Our driving question:

How do we as writers make our message clear and engaging to an audience?

Throughout the process of making my video and creating a story, I have noticed some key elements to making a clear and engaging message

One key element is using a hook, by grabbing your readers attention right from the beginning with an intriguing opening line or captivating scene make them curious what’s going to happen next I use this method in my blogs as well, like in my introduction, it makes you interested in what I have to say and that is probably why you’re still reading.

Another thing to think about is developing interesting characters This is funny, because I actually made my character by hand, create well-rounded and relatable characters that Your readers can connect with give them unique personalities, motivations, and challenges to make your story more engaging

Using descriptive words instead of simply telling your readers what’s happening, try showing through vivid, descriptions, dialogue, and actions. This makes your story more immersive, and all allows readers to experience it alongside your characters.

The creating process 

Theses were the stuffys before:


The first thing I had to do to create my story was identify who my character was. I did this by filling out different character forms.

Next I wrote my story this took a couple different tries, but I finally got my story.

After this, I started making my video on my stuffy. I got the backgrounds for each one of my clips and then I edited on my Frankenstuffy onto the photos. I also had to add different things to make it fit the scene this took a while, but I did it I changed my script and shortened it to make it fit the video better after a couple tries I got a good voiceover and I put my clips together. After getting feedback from peers and teachers, this is my final copy

Overall, this project has helped me with my writing skills, my editing skills, my movie, making skills, my creativity and problem-solving.v I’ve learned new skills from this project, and this was a fun thing to do!

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