For this winter exhibition, our focus was on “Marketing Me!” and we explored “how we might present our passions, strengths, and learning to the world?” For me, this meant showing who I am, mainly through my creativity and the projects I’ve worked on. I wanted people to see what I am capable of and how the things I create represent that part of me. I really liked my final table because it showed me as I am, and that was my ultimate goal.
You can share your passions, strengths, and what you’re learning by telling your story through writing, speaking, or creating, while connecting with others who share similar interests and continuously growing along the way.
Project Path:
Business Cards
By now, we know that the main focus of this project is to present you through the work you create. One of the first things we made were business cards. These had to represent you, but also look professional. Here are a couple of drafts I made of my business card before it was approved and printed.
Final Business card:
Making a resume was also a required step for our exhibition table. I already had a resume I used to apply for jobs, but I had to make some tweaks to meet the criteria for this project. Below is my final, abridged resume:
Booth Design
Before we could create our booth, we had to plan out how we wanted it to look. This helped me decide what to put on it and what the overall design would be. This draft actually turned out nothing like my final product though because at the start, I didn’t realize it was supposed to be about a career so I just put all my hobbies in it. I later changed my concept and you will see that in my final booth.
Making My Booth
One of the fun parts of this project was that I got to design my booth with whatever I wanted, and it was supposed to represent jobs I’m interested in. Since I’m a creative person, I decided to incorporate elements of design. I was considering either fashion design or interior design, as they are similar but a little different. I decided to combine both into my booth. For the fashion design element, I made a collage with images, fabrics, and other materials to use as a backdrop. For the interior design part, I created a miniature room with tiny furniture. This showcased my creativity and passion for design. I’m really happy with how it turned out because I think it was a really creative idea that represented my style and interests.
Without further ado, here is my final table:
Presenting my passions, strengths, and learning to the world is about sharing who I am and connecting with others. My passions—whether it’s a hobby, something I care deeply about, or my personal beliefs—are what drive me and inspire others to explore what they love too. My strengths, like resilience or certain skills I’ve developed, show how I handle challenges and what I can offer to others. Sharing what I’ve learned is not just about showing what I know, but also about how I grow and apply that knowledge in real life. Whether it’s through writing, speaking, or creating something, I need to be able to communicate clearly, think critically, and stay motivated to keep improving. Ultimately, sharing my learning and growth helps me connect with people, inspire them, and continue to improve myself.
see you next time!