Thrill us reflection
Have you ever created your own short thriller?
Well maybe you have with your siblings or friends when you were younger but for this project me and my classmates made a thriller for our maker class.
Welcome back to my blog!
Recently me and my maker class have been learning about thriller movies and how to make a good quality film. Some of the things we did along the way to prepare to make the final film was learn about the three Cs. Contract- (meaning an implied promise in the plot) Clock- (the feeling of pressure due to time going too fast and running out), and Crucible- (increasingly harder challenges).
To begin we watched different short thrillers for inspiration and to get an idea of what we were doing. I think it helped us because after each video we would discuss how they included the three C’s what we would’ve done differently, and what our favourite parts were.
We also looked at the different aspects of the film to see what made it scary and what built suspense. I think doing this increased our knowledge on thrillers and helped us make our own videos better.
Our idea:
Before I start talking about the process, I am going to explain what plot film was about: Basically, it starts with two friends walking along one one of them disappears. The other one goes to look for her and then finds her necklace outside her grandmas house. She knocks on the door and gets pulled inside where the grandma reveals something. What could it be?
Before we filmed we needed to prepare when to film, what to wear, and make a story board. All this went pretty smooth and I think we managed our time well in class. Our first time filming did not go so well… after we looked back at our clips I don’t think our communication was very clear and the clips came out a bit weird. The fist mistake we did was filming when it was bright out, we thought we could use the exposure on the phone to make it look dark outside. We later realized that it looked super weird because no matter what we did the sky was still blue and the only thing that darkened was our faces. Another mistake we did was making Aiya a “boy”. Originally, we were going to have the three characters: Aiya as the boy, me as his “girlfriend” and Kaia as the grandma. We tried to make Aiya look like a boy but it ended up looking really unrealistic (looking more funny then scary.) Our last mistake was that we decided to have lines and talking in our first video and after watching back at the clips it was really unrealistic and our acting was really bad.
After watching all the clips, we decided to re film everything to fix our mistakes. This time we filmed it in the dark and it actually started raining, this wasn’t planned but it added a spooky scenery. We also decided to make Aiya a girl, so it was just two friends instead of boyfriend and girlfriend. We also made it a silent film without talking so it could be scary and you wouldn’t have to hear our terrible acting. We fixed a couple other things like our clothes and changed some of the clips to make it as professional as possible. I think one of the most important things when making a thriller is lighting and sound because without those two aspects it’s not scary or thrilling. This is why our second take turned out a lot better because we looked at what we needed to improve on and then we fixed it.
All the things we did to improve our film really made a difference in the end after adding the sound and editing a bit. This was our final product!
I am actually pretty happy on how this turned out. Even though the editing took a while, I think it was worth it. Without learning about how to get the right sounds, and the right angles in our videos I don’t think it would’ve turned out as good. Overall, this was a really fun project to do and I think moviemaking is a really interesting thing to learn about, i really enjoyed making this because we could be creative and add our own twist to our films. Me and my classmates were really lucky to be able to do this in a project. See you next time!