
The Purpose of Learning!

  Every single MPoL and TPoL that I have done has the same goal. At the end of the day, I just want to learn. I want to be able to learn as much as I possibly can about the world, the people, and the things around me, and be able to take that learning […]


My Own Learning Progress (MOLP)

Before you say anything, yes, I know it’s called an MPoL. At this point in my academic “career”, I have learned a lot about myself. Like, a lot. As I am looking back at my MPoL post from last year, I can see how far I have grown. My goal last January was to learn. […]

Humanities Maker MPOLS and TPOLS Uncategorized

The Perfectionist’s (guide) of Learning

Hello Lovely Readers, and welcome back to another blog post! Today, we are going to be talking about my year. Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest […]

MPOLS and TPOLS Uncategorized

TPOL 2020

Hello! This is my post for my first ever TPOL! If you don’t know what a TPOL is, it is a Transitional Presentation of Learning. Basically, it is PLP’s version of a student-teacher conference. I also suggest that you check out my MPOL post, because that explains these presentations more! All of our projects in […]


MPOL-Midyear Presentation of Learning!!

Hello!! This is my blog post for something that is very confusing for anybody who is not in the program that I am in, PLP. This thing is called an MPOL. MPOL stands for a Midway Presentation Of Learning. We do these instead of Parent-Teacher Interviews. So, instead of a rushed, 5 minute talk, we, […]