We made it to that time of the year again… everyone’s favourite part!!! SLC’s, I mean TPOL’s. (Transitional presentation of learning), personally I like the name SLC’s better but whatever.
Anyways our main question for the TPOL was “Why do you feel you are ready to advance to grade 12?” It still is so crazy to me that we are in grade 12 next year, it still seems like yesterday where I was terrified to start grade 8. We are going to be the oldest people in the school what the heck. And my brother will be in the school too and that makes me feel even older. Throughout my TPOL you will learn how I grew as a learner in humanities, my areas for improvement and ultimately why I believe I am ready for grade 12.
How I grew as a learner in PLP 11?
I feel that this year I have grown as a leaner throughout many aspects including like writing, organization, and time management. I always feel like I am saying I grew in the same components but you can never be perfect in something so…
For the writing side of things I feel throughout this year I have improved quite a bit, but there is also a ton of room for improvement. Through the solider dairies to the concept paragraphs. I have always had a hard time finding the right word for what, and making my points flow, yet still trying to connect it to the overall theme, but over the past writing assignments I have had my friends and parents read over it after and it has help me quite a bit. The concept paragraph I felt actual helped quite a bit with this because you could relate the concept of your choice to anything you wanted so i gave you a lot more freedom and was easier to then keep it connect to the main concept.
Next my organization, I feel that this skill more came out in the second half of the year. I have always had a problem with what homework to do first, the small one due tomorrow or the big one due next week. See the thing with this is that you have to pick at the big one each day or you will end up doing the entire thing the night before and staying up till 2. For me what works is when I make lists and number each thing I need to do in order. In order to be an organized person you need to also have time management which I do and don’t. I think that in the future I need to work on working on the big projects also sooner even when its not due for a while.
Areas for improvement
For my improvement section of my TPOL, I wanted to start off by saying you can’t improve something that’s already perfect. But if you really wanted me to look and see what could be improved there is 2 main things, first put full effort in my work and be proud of everything I do, and second my speaking skills.
Putting full effort in your work sounds like an easy task but when its Sunday night and you just want to go to sleep its very hard. Looking back on the year there is defiantly projects that I am very proud of and others that I wish no one would ever see. I think it is really import to hand it work you are proud of each time because it really shows you care about your learning and take responsibility for your learning. I don’t think that I made the best mindset in some parts of this year because I didn’t see how any of this would matter in the future. But now once everything is done I realized something. Its not the things in the actual project that you will carry with you through life but its the revision, revising, critique, all the things you had to overcome in getting to that final project. Not sure why I couldn’t realized that sooner.
I personal love talking and anyone who knows me would know that but for some strange reason when I have to talk in front of an audience let it be a room full of my class mates to a room full of my classmates parents, to a room full of people I have no clue who they are, I’m terrified. But for this years year end exhibition/ blue sky we were doing a debate which boy oh boy I was so stressed about I was worried for my own health. Anyways I let my fear get in front of my learning so on the night of the debate I pushed my self to start off the debate and I talked in front of the audience and I was very proud of myself for doing that. I actually ended up talking twice the second time being on the lines of “baby are evil” but anyways I talked and thats all that mattered. I don’t know what i was scared of I think that maybe it was having to talk and not having anything to say or freezing up there because our grades were in so it wasn’t that. If I could go back in time and rewind I defiantly would tell myself not to spend so much time stressing about literally nothing and spend more time making sure I understand all the concepts. I thought that this was a really good learning experience though because with out this and being push to do something I was absolutely terrified for made me realize that speaking isn’t so bad and if you mess up so what? Its all just for the learning experience.

Why team work is so important
Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth… what a project that was holy. Looking back on it though it was a really good learning experience. This project didn’t work in so many ways its not even funny but now we can look back and see what we needed to do differently if order for it to have achieved and bring those skills with us throughout life. Working with a team can be beneficial in so many ways, you can bring all your different skills together to work as one powerful machine. But we have all been in those groups where nobody really works well together and it ends up that the one smart kid in the group does everything. Well imagine an entire class trying to work together to make a 20 minute movie but no one can agree on anything… welcome to our Macbeth project. Honestly coming out of this project I thought that was the most pointless worst idea project ever. But now that it has been over for a while I am really just looking at it as a huge learning experience, because life or at a future job you might have to work with someone you don’t necessary like or work well with but you are going to just have to push through and find ways how you can make it work.
Why I am ready for grade 12
But anyways this flows into my next point well on why I am ready for grade 12. PLP has prepared me so much for next year. Not only for grade 12 but for after high school and the rest of my life. Its the writing skills I learned from my amazing english teacher Ms Willemse or the knowing how to take feed back and critique to revise and improve. Everything I had to overcome to make myself get up in front of an audience and speak, then to realize it wasn’t even that bad. PLP teaches you to push past anything that is standing in your way to each your final goal, whatever it may be. And that is why I believe I am ready for grade 12.