The winter exhibition is a PLP exhibition where projects are displayed to the public. Students’ work is shown and explained in creative and unique ways. The grade 8 unit for this term was religious worldview and “how is religious worldview represented in the real world” was our driving question throughout the unit. We first had a field study where we visited different religious places of worship and then made a photo documentary answering this driving question. We then had to make an Explain Everything video on our worldviews (here is the post relating to that). Our class was then put into groups and assigned a religion (my group had Judaism). Within these groups we had to make a poster, a food and an activity related to our assigned religion.

The field studies to all of the different religious places was really fun and an interesting experience. I learnt a lot about the different religions as I knew nothing about most of them. We took lots photos of the architecture, statues, symbols and anything else we found interesting to put into our photo documentaries.The photo documentary was made up of these photos answering the same driving question of how is religious worldview represented in the real world. For the photo documentary, we focused on one aspect of worldview so I chose symbols. I decided to have subcategories using magic move in Keynote. I think it turned out really well and I was happy with my results.

The next assignment we had to do was the exhibition poster with our groups. I was in a group with Thomas, Emily S, Emily M and Ciara. We first had to create a wire frame for our ideas and our result was decent but nothing above average. However, for our first draft we went in reverse in progress and it didn’t turn out very well in making a timeline of some events of Judaism. Some points weren’t even relevant and some were offensive (accidentally). The poster didn’t include any aspects of worldview and did not answer the driving question.

We then had to go back to the drawing board and totally rethink our idea. We then came up with the idea of having a Torah scroll containing all of the information as it has lots of significance. We brainstormed the possible ways to explain the seven aspects of worldview. This was our prime focus as it was really important to us and our teacher.

We wanted a simpler idea so we instead just had the texture in the background. We included all of the aspects of worldview and I think we answered the driving questions well. It was a simplistic but strong poster with minimal words and corresponding images going along with them. It was a hard process but my group came up with a good poster and one that I was happy about.

The final part of the winter exhibition was to make a food and activity for the public. With much discussion, our group came to the decision to make cheese dreidels for our food and the game ‘Dreidel’ for our activity. The base of the cheese dreidel was made from cheddar cheese and the handle from pretzel sticks. They were actually really good even though I am not a huge fan of cheese and I think the public enjoyed them as well. The game ‘Dreidel” was a fun and not harmful way of gambling. We played with chocolate gelts (coins) and the person participating would get one chocolate gelt.

Overall, I had lots of fun at my station explaining my work to others and the process we went through to get to the final products. I am really happy with how my work turned out and how the winter exhibition went. I learnt that everything takes more than one draft to get something the way you want. I put a lot of effort into all of the assignments and projects. Also check out my post on our visit to religious places of worship.