“There isn’t Done without Do”

Month October 2019

SBC Week 4: Free Choice

Correlation does not mean causation. Correlation is the relationship between two or more things that mutually connect. These associations can help prove different concepts, but that doesn’t mean correlation implies causation. Causation is the evidence that backs up and proves… Continue Reading →

PGP | Alberta Field Study

Alberta was a wild trip with what felt like non-stop driving, endless activities and limited sleep. Despite the minor hardships, I had lots of fun, and I could efficiently complete the final project afterwards. In my last post, “The Power… Continue Reading →

SBC | Week 3: Plagiarism

The third week is all about photos and to use them correctly. The consequences of plagiarizing can ruin your life and can get you expelled from post secondary. In PLP I usually use images that I have took myself or… Continue Reading →

SBC | Commenting

For the second week of the SBC (student blogging challenge) we had to four tasks. Latter to this, we needed to write about commenting on other people’s blog posts. I randomly picked people from the list of participants. I stumbled… Continue Reading →

Picture Prompts (Fiction Story)

  It was just another day in my life. I would walk home from school everyday and be home alone.

The Power of Place

How does place impact business owners? We visited Alberta for 9 days, interviewing people along the way in order to answer this driving question.  I made a video on how business owners were affected by place looking through the environmental… Continue Reading →

Exponent Game

Playing games are supposed to be easy, clear and especially fun to play. However, is it that easy to make a game of your own?  For Sciematics, we were tasked with creating a game that had to include exponents laws… Continue Reading →

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