The third week is all about photos and to use them correctly. The consequences of plagiarizing can ruin your life and can get you expelled from post secondary. In PLP I usually use images that I have took myself or created. The process of citing source is eliminated and there is no chance of plagiarizing.
Plagiarism is not something you want to mess with because there can be serious consequences that come it. Plagiarism is the act of taking someone’s work that is not theirs. This applies to things that are copyrighted, trademarked and not given permission to. The only exception to this it is royalty free (copyright free) or the owner gives permission. The consequences of plagiarizing can ruin your life. Your grades could be reduced, an test is taken away or suspension. The worst consequence if you plagiarize in post secondary it that you can get expelled.
PLP encourages us to use our own photos and other media. Every single assignment or post I have images that I have created. Transitioning into the second task we had to show off an image we created. I created many images using Keynote, SuperimposeX, Sketches pro, taking lots of photos or a combination of a few apps. In this post I will share my favourite photo I created using these app.
Keynote is a more advanced iOS app compared to google slides. Keynote allows a vast amount of tools and transitions. You can create images using text, shapes and objects. With an Apple Pencil it allows you to draw and annotate. Finally Keynote has animations that can move items in various ways. My favourite presentation I made was probably the Blue Sky app design or commenting guidelines. These presentations included a lot of transitions and animations that I used to enhance the slides. In my Blue Sky app design I used buttons to plan what was going to happen when touched. This represented an really well and I could later create my app with little extra planing. The commenting guidelines presentation included magic move a transition that seamlessly moves the objects to their new position. I used this to break up the comment bubble into different pieces (aspects) of my rules.
SuperimposeX is a photoshop app that is simple and fast to use. The app allows you to mask images (cut out parts of the images) by many different tools that all have their unique and useful jobs. There are many cool things you can do with apps like editing photos, drawing on photos, blending and much more. My favourite photo I created was for last year field study project, advertising. We had to make an ad for a local Oregon business. I used many of the tools I talked about and incorporated other apps to make it the best possible.
Sketches pro is drawing app that includes many brushes and pens. I use my Apple Pencil to draw neatly and carefully. I have many drawing from past projects that I am very proud of. My favourite drawing was for PGP which I created a short book. The front cover was about me and the stuff we did around a globe representing my worldview.
For task three we were challenged with finding a image and writing a story from image. To find an image from google you can use requires multiple steps to find a image labeled for reuse. When you search up an image the first thing you need to do is to press the tools button. Press usage right and then select labeled for reuse. These photos are free to use.
November 7, 2019 at 12:50 am
Great post! You are right. Plagiarism is a bad idea. I used to tell my students ot was like someone coming into your house and stealing your most precious possession. ( I taught grade three, so often said their hockey medal and trophies or xbox.)
Thanks for the impressive information on some apps. I hadn’t heard of superimposex. I will have to try it. I had also forgotten about keynote. I am trying to add pictures I have taken of sunsets to my blog and am struggling to get it done in a way I like. This might be it!
Keep blogging. You are a great writer. You managed to make a Post on plagiarism interesting and informative. 😄
Student blogging challenge commenter
November 7, 2019 at 12:58 am
Hi Marg,
Thanks for commenting on my blog. You should check out some of my recent posts. They explain the process and product of a projects.