You hear the phrase time is money but for different jobs how much would we make for common jobs. Using linear graphs we showed how much we would make, ranging from a few hours to a year. I chose to do gardening which paid me $15 per hour and received $70 for my service. Through 5 milestones, we made a spreadsheet and equation to put into a graph to show how I would make. We made a video using keynote animation explaining the milestone with voiceovers to talk about each part.

Driving Question: How can we predict our finances for the future?

Understanding and solving:
In the cost of my service, I did not use any money for the startup so when accounting for gross profit I used common strategies when adding up my profit. To solve problems for the spreadsheet, equation and graph I common problem solving to accomplish the task. For the Khan Academy lesson I improved a lot from the start to the end by quickly learning the new math and replicated the process. I need to improve my skills regarding to using more strategies when doing tasks.

Communicating and Representing:

Using linear equations I was able to determine how much I would make while gardening for different periods of time. I was able to see how much I would have made in a day, 6 months and a year! However, in the graph I wasn’t able to make the x-axis extend to show more of a difference.

Connecting and Reflecting:

The job I chose compares nothing to the jobs I want later in my career. In my video, I talk about how little you make for a gruelling job and the value of time. The job is good right now and I earn money that is a lot for me. This business would not cover living as it is minimum wage as there is only so much gardening you can do.