A few weeks ago, we were privileged with going to our parents work and get experience in the work field. This was supposed to teach us what our parents do day-to-day. However, in PLP, we had to extend our learning by questioning to self and others. We had to answer the driving questions about society, personal beliefs and identity.


All jobs play a part in society, and if there weren’t vast amount of jobs, there wouldn’t be a society. The littlest jobs that nobody wants but people need, make life easier. A single person can’t have all the specialties in the world, instead the position you like, and good at, is how advancements are made. While waking in a city, there are thousands upon thousands of things that people have worked on. Every person you see working has their own life, friends and personality so when they are doing a worse job that doesn’t make them inhuman. 

The moment a job base stops working, it affects everyone else. To make an office operate, you need excellent staff to help the docs. I went to my parent’s office to help out and answer the driving questions. 

My parents own an office for pediatric dermatology (skin doctor for kids) and allergies (diagnose & inform people on allergies). In the work field, I had the fantastic job of renovating the space, cabinets, drawers and putting medical samples away. I didn’t experience the entire day waking up early and going back late, but from short questions, I got to know what it would look like. The video I created not only shows the chronological order of events but how work contributes to society through interviews. It shows the work I did to help construct the cabinets and the wonderful people around the office.

I interviewed four people to find the information needed to answer the driving question. I didn’t just go straight into the office though; I had to prepare everything beforehand because I probably wasn’t going back. I had to create questions, a shots list, and what I wanted to get done. When interviewing the staff, I was amazed by the outcome of the staff’s answers. They were very similar to one another, having the same concept as the answers.

When considering their work field, the staff had no plans of doing the job as of right now. With no intent of this office, they somehow ended up doing this job and enjoying what they do. Their passions of kids and want to help people was for filled when being hired. Their personality has been the thing that has put them in this position and kept them in.

Abstract From Interviews:

The needs of a job in local communities vary place-to-place, but the passions and purpose of people support supply and demand. Passions are easy to define for yourself and others because it is what you want and like to do. Purpose is a little more obscure and hard to figure out. Most young people don’t know what their purpose is until later on in life. Interviewees did not say directly but hinted that their purpose was to help the world and make an impact. Not everyone will make a massive in humanity, but in the global community, every little job plays together to help the world run. Your personality is vital for choosing jobs, work chemistry, and how you do. Talking to the staff, they said the most important traits are to be passionate, hardworking and gentle.

The office helps kids as they grow up to become better. The whole purpose of the work is to help kids with allergies and skin related problems. Every day lots of people come in and out of the office, and each little kid will grow up to be healthy. The medical field helps treat all kinds of people.

I have learnt how the jobs in my parent’s office work together, make the work run smoothly and help a lot of people. Through interviews, I discovered what everyone does in a typical day and how they think the office supports the society. The world cannot function with ever job making a global community, and in the future, the positions needed will be supported by our generation.