Correlation does not imply causation. Correlation is the relationship between two or more things that mutually connect. These associations can help prove different concepts, but that does not mean correlation implies causation. Causation is the evidence that backs up and proves the reason for the association. When causation is not presented and does not have evidence to back it up is a false correlation. We were tasked with surveying people to find a correlation between two things, which one had to have causation. Latter to this, we had to present (I was with Ben) in front of the class with a slideshow.

At the beginning of the project, we were assigned to make a mind map of questions, facts and statements. At the end of the project, we revised the mind map and showed what we learnt throughout the project.

  • Beginning
  • End

In every project, we have curricular competencies that we had to work towards. One of the competencies was Communicating and Representing: Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial and symbolic forms. In our presentation, we did well explaining our predictions using a project outline to have concrete evidence and a Keynote presentation that shows points, including images, drawings and symbolic forms. In my presentation, however, I did not strictly say whether the correlation had causation or was a false causation.

Another part of Communicating and Representing was to use mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to mathematical discussions. To describe our predictions on the results, we used keywords to help explain. We accidentally use the improper term, downwards correlation instead of negative correlation.

The final correlation was Applying and Innovating, which was to contribute to care for self, others, community and world through individual or collaborative approaches. When is class, I thought I worked well in and out of class and helping others for their project. There were times I could have worked harder and finished earlier, but I am happy how the project turned out.

Throughout this project, I went from barely knowing what correlation was to a survey conducted and results presented. I have learnt curricular competencies that improved my mathematical vocabulary, presenting mathematical ideas and using all my class time to complete the project. From this project, understanding the difference between correlation and causation will help me in real life, which I will assess graphs before believing it right away.