“There isn’t Done without Do”

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COVID Against Community

COVID-19 has emerged in the world as the newest pandemic since 2009, that has quickly spread and stopped everyday activities. The virus has affected lots of people and without proper precautions, the conditions will get worse. People will get sick… Continue Reading →

Rewriting Canadian History

Confederation is the union between different parties or groups and provides mutual benefits being a whole nation. Through Canadian history, there were many factors and conditions for Confederation of the colonies and it took a lot of convincing to join…. Continue Reading →

Back To Square “RUN!”

Making a copy of a film does not seem hard to do, but how does that compare to reality. The goal of this project was to learn what technologies, tool and strategies can we utilize to create a short film…. Continue Reading →

The Power of Place

How does place impact business owners? We visited Alberta for 9 days, interviewing people along the way in order to answer this driving question.  I made a video on how business owners were affected by place looking through the environmental… Continue Reading →

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