Hey there my dood how you doing? In science we’ve been working really hard on our newest project, the Super Hero project. We were put into groups of 4 or 5 in a mix of girls and boys. In order to do this group project we need to know a thing or two about the Periodic table so that’s more of what we’ve been studying. We also made a big poster of the periodic table which includes all the groups, elements, atomic number, charge, symbol, names, and so on. We’ve done a few worksheets and notes which included information and activities to help us learn about elements, atoms, and the periodic table. My group has all been working on a 3D model of the atom of our choice. The model we’re all making is based on the Bohr version of the atom and we chose to make a model of the Phosphorus atom. We were given some class time to work on the atoms and it wasn’t very difficult to make the base of the model. We used thick wire, white styrofoam balls, and a little bit of clay for the base. We began making it by using a bigger styrofoam ball in the centre to act as the nucleus. On the next shell (the one closest to the nucleus), we placed two small styrofoam balls to represent the electrons. We placed eight more on the next election shell and seven more electrons on the valence shell (the shell that holds the electrons the farthest away from the nucleus). Once we were all finished the layout I twisted the wires together so that they’d stay and Claire and I hot glued everything together so that everything would stay put and wouldn’t fall apart. We did such a great job one could say we make a MARVELous pair. Me, being the clumsy person I am, hot glued my thumb and because the glue was so hot I immediately ripped the glue from my skin…bad idea. My thumb had many layers of skin torn from it and I had no idea what to do so I put on a band-aid and hoped for the best. Tomorrow, my group plans to do some decorating to the atoms but I don’t think I’ll be allowed to touch the glue gun at all…
Well that’s all and I know that you’re just FURYous that this is over but don’t worry there’ll be a WHOLE LOT MORE to come in the near future! And for my thoughts on this project, I’ve Loki got to say that I THORoughly enjoyed it and I hope my teacher will assign us more like this in the future.