Welcome back! Recently in social studies we’ve been learning all about the Canadian Pacific Railway and we’ve got a cool project to go along with it! We could choose between two options, either make a poster to recruit workers for the CPR or, write a three-minute speech to organize the workers into a union. I pride myself on my creativity with visuals and so I chose to do the poster. My poster appeals to the Chinese and I tried to make it seen like coming to Canada to build the railway would be a retreat of some sort, not mentioning any possibility of injury or death. I made it seem like they would be a part of making Canada a successful country with their help. I used pictures of people in groups to give them a sense of family. I made a few drafts for this project, here’s my first one:
After finishing this, I asked Ms Willemse if it was good and it seemed as if it needed more than a little improvement, so I got to work. It took a long time to choose my template, but here’s the next draft I made:
After we did some peer critique, it turns out that the image I used on the top was “The Last Spike” and may not have existed at the time when they were recruiting workers to start building the railway. Here’s the final draft of my poster:
I had a lot of fun making this project. I used the app called Canva and it has a lot of different templates for all sorts of posters or images you’d like to make. See you jn the next post!