Hi people, in this blog post, I’m going to be talking about our latest project which is all about worldview and the song “It’s The End OF The World As We Know It By R.E.M.  For this project, we had to recreate the song using the same amount of syllables and rhymes but it had to be all around our worldview and going from elementary to highschool.  This project was actually really fun and the work leading up to it was interesting.  Here’s what happened!

The first thing that we did was read the novel “The Book Of The Lion”.  This book is things that happened in the crusades.  It is a very interesting fiction book that I recommend.  Anyways, we had to do different role sheets (connector, investigator, and illustrator).  Doing these role sheets I learned something new.  One Thing I learned from connector is how much I could connect to the book.  One of my connections that was really good was that me and the main character were both Christian.  I can’t imagine how I would feel inn his position.  Something I learned being the investigator was how long the crusades were.  The crusades lasted for almost 200 years!  Something funny I learned from being the illustrator was that I am actually a better drawer than I thought.

The second thing we did that lead up to this project was to write a paragraph about “How The Crusades Exchange and cultural exchange shifted there worldview.  This involved a lot of research but in the end I learned quite a bit.  I Learned a lot more just about what happened in the crusades.  I also learned that after the big battle both the Christians and Muslims shared a lot of there ideas and even religions.

The third thing we needed to do was to talk to our classmates and compare our worldview.  Before we did this though, we made a Mindnode (Brainstorming) for ideas about how our worldview was changed from moving into Highschool.  Our ideas had to be linked to Geography, time, beliefs, society, values, economy, and knowledge.  When we compared answers, II realized a lot of things were the same. Some worldview aspects that were the same as my peers were geography, economy, and society.  Something that was very different thought were beliefs and knowledge.  This was because I am Christian and I went to a Private school (most people went to a public school).

Now were at a pretty bug part of the project.  I had to make (write lyrics and sing) multiple drafts of the “Its The end Of The World As We Know It” song that was recreated by me.  Before I go into that a bit more, let me talk about making the lyrics.  I used a website called “RhymeZone” to find rhymes matching the word.  The rhymes also had to have the same amount of syllables as the words in the actual song.  After I finish most of my lyrics we got to evaluate our peers work.  This really helped me see what was wrong with the song.  I saw things that I wouldn’t have known without doing peer editing.  After that I started singing and creating my take on “Its The End Of The World As We Know It” (Its the end of term two as I know it).  Everything I did before was to prepare me for this (or at least I thought).

BOOM! Out of know were we had to make more lyrics and sing even more but this time we had to do it in groups.  I was working with Anders, Ally and Liam.  We had combine all our lyrics and then divide up the verses.  I learned that if you aren’t good at singing it is really hard to sound good singing in a group together.  Also that it takes a lot of time to make a song in a group.  Anyways, it was actually kind of fun.  I added some cool sound effects at the end of our song to make it even better.


Reflecting time!  This project even though long with many steping stones leading to the final product.  In the end, I learned that my worldview isn’t actually so different to other peoples worldview.  I also realized how much school has changed.  I went from sitting in a class for 6 hours, reading text books and writing tests to working on iPads, moving around, and working with groups which I think is a great change.    Anyways, this is the end for this post, so… 👋   👏👏