Hey! Welcome back to my blog! Since the start of this semester we have been working with cells and the immune system! We started by learning how to use microscopes!


We then moved onto learning about the kinds of immune systems and the cells that help our immune systems. We got to create character cards and I based the five cells after the five Kardashian sisters!

Kim the Macrophage

Kourtney the White Blood Cell

Kendall the T-Cell

Kylie The B-cell

Khloe the Antibody

These were my favourite!

We then got to learn about vaccines and where and when they were created! We learned about all the stereotypes that vaccine such as vaccines cause autism. The gabby and I created a little informational thingy about that stereotype!

here it is!

We then jumped straight into creating a public health poster using little kids drawn germs! Mine was about helping your immune system fight!

Here it is!

This entire project I think was my favourite project so far of the year! Science has always been my favourite subject and exploring cells for the first time was awesome! I think I really achieved my learning goals and I am proud of my work!