The power of the pencil

I just finished a project on using the Apple Pencil. We were using it to draw pictures, while using different techniques we learned. In this project we were learning all the amazing things that we can do with the apple pencil! When we were drawing we were using an app call sketches pro, it is an amazing app with a whole bunch of different tools you can use. You have a tool to blend colours, one to erase, one is a ruler and the rest are used to actually draw.

The first method we learned was word art. Word art is exactly what it sounds like, you take a word, in our case our name, and either write it in a cool font, or make it bubbles letters and colour it in, or give it a cool background. When I was making this I kept redoing it and trying new things. I didn’t really like anything I was making, so I decided to just try and draw and I liked what I made a lot better. Here it is,

After that we were learning at technique for taking notes called sketch noting. Sketch noting is using shapes and images to help us remember what we are taking notes on. When I takes notes I use a less drawy version of sketch noting. I use less images and more words just to the point. When I was learning sketch noting it was hard for me too think of images to use and draw with my notes that would be helpful. We were taking notes on a video we watched,It was all about belief and how that can help you in a work places. I didn’t really think sketch noting was a way of drawing, so I thought that it was weird for a unit where we were mostly drawing. These are my sketch notes,

When we finished learning about sketch noting we started learning about drawing a portrait. We learned how a shape of a face is supposed to look, and what tools we can use to do that. For this we were supposed to find a picture of ourself and trace it. This wasn’t my favourite drawing method. At first I was really excited for this and was really looking forward to making my portrait. I thought this would be pretty easy, but it was actually harder than I thought. It was hard to match the colour of your drawing to the colour of the actual photo. I kept trying to get it a better colour match until it was pretty close. Here is my portrait,

 Our next drawing technique was still life. We had to draw a fruit bowl, using shadows and depth. We had to first take a photo of the fruit with light coming from one spot so that it was brighter creating shadows for us to draw. Creating shadows was a little hard but i actually liked this one. It was a fun way to use colour and blend different shades. This is my still life fruit bowl,

our last drawing we did was creating a logo. I really liked this one because it can be simple but also really has to represent something. We were to create a logo for a made up business. The business I made was an outdoor store. They sell athletic clothes, gear for camping and other outdoor stuff. Before we made the logo we were to look up other logo we liked to get inspiration. I really like the logo with geometric shapes, so I tried making a geometric tree and it looked really good, here it is,

At the end of the project we were to create one final piece. I decide to draw a landscape photo. My drawing was really fun to make and i really liked being able to draw on my own. Out of all my drawings this one is definitely my favourite,

Through this project I learned that almost anything can be considered art. Whether it is sketch noting or making a portrait, it is all ART!


Art is not what you see, but what you make others see

-Edgar Degas