Another Year, Another MPOL

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

Our first project of the year, was the Manhattan project project, and was a great opportunity to work on communication to larger groups. We started of the project with a couple Socratic seminars, which proved to be the perfect place o start practicing speaking out with the class. We then moved on to a speech in front of the class. This added to the skill of class discussions by allowing me the space to speak alone in front of my peers.

To go even farther with the skill of speaking out in front of my peers and an audience. In my next project I was to preform in front of a live audience, that was filled with strangers and people I barely knew. This ended up being one of the projects I am most proud of so far.

MPOL goal –

Setting realistic goals for myself. Being able to set goals that aren’t way out of reach, but goals that I can build off of.

Aswell as setting healthy habit goals one by one. They will be a goal I work towards at first, untill they become a habit in my everyday life. What I’m hoping this will accomplish is building myself a set of healthy habits that will keep me on track in school and outside of school.

A goal that I started working on last year and want to continue to prioritize this year is bringing “Annie” into my work. This means finding a way to allow my work to really reflect who I am. It is also a way to find areas that I am interested and could potentially be something I’m interested in pursuing further in University. If I continue to think about this now and try and bring it into my work, I beleive it will help me find new fields of study that I hadn’t considered previously.


These are goals that I will take with me through the year, keeping them in mind while I complete my work.